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tooleval如何解决openai api限额问题? #252

Closed nikobelic1 closed 3 months ago

nikobelic1 commented 3 months ago

您好qaq,想问下关于openai api每分钟限额的问题应该如何解决?每次达到限额标准后好像并未保存结果,如果通过重试机制的话代码应该加在哪里啊?运行run_pass_rate.sh结果如下:

openai.error.RateLimitError: Rate limit reached for gpt-3.5-turbo-16k in organization org-RqcMzEJjIYwqBQ8n4JbWxQLL on tokens per min (TPM): Limit 40000, Used 39729, Requested 1317. Please try again in 1.569s. Visit to learn more. You can increase your rate limit by adding a payment method to your account at
nikobelic1 commented 3 months ago

看到了 在/home/wan/ToolBench/toolbench/tooleval/evaluators/registered_cls/utils.py把触发器#取消掉就可以了