OpenBMB / XAgent

An Autonomous LLM Agent for Complex Task Solving
Apache License 2.0
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A port forwarding problem occurs when the front and back end interact. WebSocket connection failed. #334

Closed XChen-Zero closed 6 months ago

XChen-Zero commented 6 months ago

Issue Description / 问题描述

When deployed on a remote server, a port forwarding problem was encountered.Using ssh -L solves this problem, but how do I fix it by modifying the configuration of the project?

Steps to Reproduce / 复现步骤

I directly pulled the image on docker hub and deployed it on the remote server. 5173 had no problem accessing it.

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However, the port forwarding problem occurs when the front and back end interact. WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8090/ws/base/31e4a100176c4d4491323d58a07026b9?user_id=guest&token=xagent&description=%E8%AF%A6%E7%BB%86%E4%BB%8B%E7%BB%8D%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%8B%E5%8E%9F%E5%AD%90' failed: (anonymous) @ index-77f83ba5.js:30 W @ index-77f83ba5.js:30 (anonymous) @ index-77f83ba5.js:30 (anonymous) @ index-77f83ba5.js:30

Expected Behavior / 预期行为

Describe the behavior you expected to see. / 请描述您期望的正确行为。

Environment / 环境信息

Error Screenshots or Logs / 错误截图或日志

If possible, please provide relevant screenshots or logs of the error. / 如果可能,请提供相关的错误截图或日志文件。

Additional Notes / 其他备注

If you have any additional information or notes, please add them here. / 如果有其他补充信息,请在此处添加。

Umpire2018 commented 6 months ago
  1. Does all the containers are running?
  2. Please share the screenshot to help us locate the problem. Sharing control portal output mayt not help us.
  3. I also using XAgent in a remote server, everything works fine in my environment.
ChengFai commented 6 months ago

Hi!Well this problem seems to be about network connection. We tried every effort to replicate it but failed. Could you please check your network security policy or port / host config or something?

Umpire2018 commented 6 months ago

@XChen-Zero Please refer to here.

itq5 commented 6 months ago

这个问题我也出现了 image

ChengFai commented 6 months ago

试试看 #277 的解决办法