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OpenBW desyncs playing all ZZZKBot games from Sejong University October 2017 event #14

Open chriscoxe opened 6 years ago

chriscoxe commented 6 years ago

As-at today, the OpenBW replay viewer appears to always desync when viewing the replays for all the ZZZKBot games from the man-vs-machine Sejong University 31st October 2017 event. Specifically, ZZZKBot's spawning pool does not start morphing - instead the drone simply stays where the spawning pool should have started to be morphed. Also, some of the opponent's buildings don't start constructing either. Could it be that these games were played by moving the Game Speed slider in the game lobby from Normal to Fastest, but OpenBW does not properly support Fastest?

The games are: 2_SeungHyunLee_vs_ZZZKBot.rep 5_ChulSoonChoi_vs_ZZZKBot.rep 8_ByungGuSong_vs_ZZZKBot.rep

The replay files can be downloaded from a link at this page: i.e.:

Note: the OpenBW replay viewer appears to show all the other games fine and I don't know why.

chriscoxe commented 6 years ago

I think all of the games in that ZIP file used Fastest (not Normal) for the Game Speed slider in the game lobbies, because when I open the replays in Broodwar it starts replaying them at Fastest speed, but if I open a normal bot-vs-bot replay from SSCAIT in Broodwar it starts replaying it at Normal speed.