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Is it possible to play against bots using the openbw engine? #15

Open dukebw opened 6 years ago

dukebw commented 6 years ago

Hello, I was wondering if it is intended and already implemented for a human player to play against bots, using the OpenBW engine. I am able to use the OpenBW/bwapi fork of BWAPI to start a game, but there is no user interface and no way to control the units. Thanks!

shedatc commented 6 years ago

Playing against bots would be great, especially if this bots were designed to train the humans :smiley:

dgant commented 6 years ago

OpenBW only supports replays and bot-on-bot play at the moment. Fortunately Brood War is now free :) and you can play it on Linux using Wine.

shedatc commented 6 years ago

You're right about the fact that OpenBW is not required to play BW, even on GNU/Linux. I personally run Remastered via Wine and it work perfectly.

But, still, what is missing from OpenBW to get the possibility to fight against an AI? Is it just about enriching the user input handling of the UI component?

tscmoo commented 6 years ago

What is missing? Well, the entire UI for one. There could also be quite a bit of code required related to handling of user input, and figuring out which actions to input when you click here and there. Also, as mentioned, I don't really see a great need for it, so there are no plans for it right now

bftjoe commented 4 years ago

Also blizzard would probably send a cease and desist since they are selling remastered.