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Replay desync issue with SSCAIT Replay No. 259688 #22

Open adakitesystems opened 6 years ago

adakitesystems commented 6 years ago

The attached replay: from SSCAIT has the following attributes when I try to watch the replay. It desyncs near the end of the replay. In the desync'd version, PW's Nexus does not get destroyed and both players seem to be idle. In the sync'd version, PW loses its nexus and both players are building units up until the end.

BW Version Launcher RepFix Enabled? Singleplayer or MultiPlayer? Desync?
1.16.1 mca64launcher Y SP Y
1.16.1 mca64launcher Y MP N
1.16.1 Chaoslauncher Y SP N
1.16.1 Chaoslauncher Y MP N
1.16.1 - N SP Y
1.16.1 - N MP Y
SC:R - - MP N
OpenBW BWAPILauncher - SP Y
OpenBW Replay Viewer - - Y