GIVEN Steve has EnderChest installed and set up on his machine
WHEN he runs any linking or syncing operation (place, open, close, etc.)
THEN his shulker box and EnderChest configurations are automatically validated, with either errors being raised or warnings being thrown with automatic corrections taking place
AND this happens before the operation actually takes place
SO that he doesn't end up with a setup that's messed up
AND so his EnderChest is tidy and easy to maintain
This is a work in progress. Things to check:
Steve should be prompted to delete empty folders in shulker boxes unless they're part of a specific ignore list (prompt will ask if the folder should be added to the ignore list, and there will also be a prompt option for "just delete 'em and quit asking")
Links getting into a shulker box's link folder pointing to another shulker box should emit an "are you sure?" (with per box, per folder memory so that Steve isn't asked every time). There might be valid reasons to do this, but I can't think of them.
:duck: wait, I totally can: managing nesting sets of mods in a way that will completely avoid the question of "wait, did I already specify this mod?" But then again, I don't think that will work right now based on how links are relative.
Link folders that will overwrite non-empty folders are currently caught when you try to place them. This should migrate to checking before the place, and especially should simulate the place to check that another (prior) shulker isn't going to make that folder non-empty
This would be a good opportunity to ask "Hey, should we just move the contents of this folder into the shulker box?"
Check for duplicate files that are literal duplicates (same filename, same hash) and offer to delete one and symlink the other to it
spun off from #34
GIVEN Steve has EnderChest installed and set up on his machine WHEN he runs any linking or syncing operation (place, open, close, etc.)
THEN his shulker box and EnderChest configurations are automatically validated, with either errors being raised or warnings being thrown with automatic corrections taking place AND this happens before the operation actually takes place
SO that he doesn't end up with a setup that's messed up AND so his EnderChest is tidy and easy to maintain
This is a work in progress. Things to check: