THEN he should see suggestions for managing certain large folders, like backups, saves, crash reports and logs, via a non-shulker-box folder (either inside or outside his EnderChest) that shulker boxes link into
SO that he's presented with an approach of avoiding duplicates, minimizing unnecessary file syncs and preventing cross-instance local conflicts
This is what I do. Might not be for everyone, but it's worth writing down and demoing
"Alex" should also have a hint about excluding Chest Monster from her git history
A naming convention that would place this folder first or last in a file manager / ls / dir (just apart from the boxes) would be ace
GIVEN Steve is setting up an EnderChest
WHEN he reads through the best practices documentation
THEN he should see suggestions for managing certain large folders, like backups, saves, crash reports and logs, via a non-shulker-box folder (either inside or outside his EnderChest) that shulker boxes link into
SO that he's presented with an approach of avoiding duplicates, minimizing unnecessary file syncs and preventing cross-instance local conflicts
(just apart from the boxes) would be ace