OpenBitcoinPrivacyProject / wallet-ratings

Criteria for evaluating Bitcoin wallets' privacy properties.
GNU General Public License v2.0
47 stars 10 forks source link

Network criteria: Fingerprint specific client version based on SSL cipher suites #142

Open kristovatlas opened 7 years ago

kristovatlas commented 7 years ago

via @crwatkins: The client could have cipher suite support hard coded, and change over the course of versions. A passive network observer could see which ciphers are supported and fingerprint to a particular client on this basis in conjunction with other data leaked such DNS lookup of the wallet provider's domain.

This would fall under here in the current working version of threat model: Network observer Derive the type of wallet used to create a transaction by passively observing idiosyncrasies in the interactive behaviour of the wallet OBPPV3/CM29: Avoid using a non-Bitcoin network protocol that leaks information about the type of client in use

dcousens commented 7 years ago

Wouldn't this just come under wallet idiosyncrasies? Or is the point to be more specific?