OpenBluetoothToolbox / SimpleBLE

SimpleBLE - the all-in-one Bluetooth library for MacOS, iOS, Windows, Linux and Android.
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Expose read/write properties of descriptors (like existing for characteristics) #204

Open eriklins opened 1 year ago

eriklins commented 1 year ago

Currently simpleble_descriptor_t just contains the UUID of the descriptor. However, descriptors can have read or write properties which should be exposed in simpleble_descriptor_t in same way as properties of a characteristic are exposed in simpleble_characteristic_t (can_read, can_write_request, can_notify, etc.). So, would be great if simpleble_descriptor_t could have can_read and can_write - provided the underlying OS functions would allow this.

CCCDs normally have read and write property but - even though not so commonly used - e.g., a "Characteristic User Description Descriptor" often is read-only and same for a "Extended Properties Descriptor".