OpenBoard-org / OpenBoard

OpenBoard is a cross-platform interactive whiteboard application intended for use in a classroom setting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Import IWB impossible #1000

Open juliend95 opened 3 weeks ago

juliend95 commented 3 weeks ago


Version 1.7.1 Windows, importing IWB files systematically crashes OpenBoard.

I downloaded the test files provided by the "InteractiveWhiteboard Common File Format" group:

Only importing files containing empty pages works. All pages containing text, a drawing or an image systematically cause OpenBoard to crash (close without any message).

Would it be possible to improve the IMB import functionality if not remove the functionality?

Thanks in advance



Version 1.7.1 Windows, l'import des fichiers IWB fait systématiquement planter OpenBoard.

J'ai téléchargé les fichiers de test fournis par le groupe "InteractiveWhiteboard Common File Format" :

Seul l'import des fichiers contenant des pages vides fonctionne. Toute les pages contenant du text, un dessin ou une image font systématiquement planter OpenBoard (fermeture sans aucun message).

Serait-il possible d'améliorer les fonctionnalités d'import IMB sinon de retirer la fonctionnalité ?

Merci d'avance

letsfindaway commented 3 weeks ago

IWB/CFF import is probably just a historical remnant in OpenBoard and has not been worked on for years. Looking at the history of CFF import

I don't know why it was removed and later re-added, but I assume it was never extensively tested.

I can reproduce the crash, but after fixing this it still does not produce useful results. So I assume a working IWB/CFF support would need some substantial effort.