OpenBoard-org / OpenBoard

OpenBoard is a cross-platform interactive whiteboard application intended for use in a classroom setting.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Interactive Dice not working #1020

Open Jaq678 opened 1 week ago

Jaq678 commented 1 week ago

Everytime I try to get the interactive dice to work a black box with an arrow in the middle appears but no way to use the dice, can someone help me to use it please?

letsfindaway commented 1 week ago

Please provide more details:

Vekhir commented 1 week ago

Not OP, but Dice is an OpenBoard widget. It can be found under Interactivities -> Dice. Just DnD and the described behaviour happens.

Looking at the WebInspector inside OpenBoard, the error occurs in, where num is NaN, so invalid array length. num comes from, and app is initialised here:

Comparing with Scale.wgt, that has the function fillParameters which doesn't exist in Dice.wgt:

Manually setting num to 6 resolves the error and displays six dice. This is only academic insofar as the number of dice is supposed to be dynamically set.

System information:

OS: Arch Linux Kernel: Linux 6.9.5.arch1-1 openboard: 1.7.1-2 (via AUR) qt6-base: 6.7.1-4

letsfindaway commented 1 week ago

@Vekhir Thanks for clarification! My fault that I missed this app. Yes, I can also reproduce the problem. And also thank you very much for your error analysis. I think you're on the right track. I add the bug label here.

letsfindaway commented 1 week ago

A PR for fixing this and additionally allowing automatic updates is underway. Thanks @Jaq678 for reporting.