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Create a Office Tender Page for open (new/updated) tenders #47

Closed noamoss closed 6 years ago

noamoss commented 6 years ago

(Invisoin link: )


Open Office Tender (`WHERE tender_type = 'office' AND decision='חדש') OR (decision='עודכן'))

dynamic values:

No. data source label value / logic comments
1 any of the fields none if a value changed during TODAY <= LAST_UPDATE_DATE + 7 daysvalue should be עודכן!, if TODAY <= START_DATE + 7 value should be חדש! do not use the decision field value here, as it is not reflecting what we intend to show with this label. Don't use the raw value of the decision field, as it does not consist the required logic!
2 decision none מכרז פתוח: based on the decision field: if decision == חדש or decision == עודכן. other values to be handled in #56 #57
3 LAST_UPDATE_DATE עדכון אחרון date
4 START_DATE פרסום ראשון date
6 decision none מכרז פתוח: based on the decision field: if decision == חדש or decision == עודכן. For now, when the descision field consists other value, show nothing, To Be Continued
7 PUBLISHER none in the future it should be clickable and lead to a publisher entity page, currently simple text
8 quarterly_contract_spending_reports.supplier_name none A. if the tender_id appears in quarterly_contract_spending_reports.manof_ref and count('supplier_name') == 1, display supplier_name). B. if count('supplier_name') > 2, display[num] ספקים`. C. Otherwise, leave empty
9a quarterly_contract_spending_reports.executed, quarterly_contract_spending_reports.volume pie chart
9b quarterly_contract_spending_reports.executed, quarterly_contract_spending_reports.volume 'עד כה בוצעו...% מתוך:|exectued/volume| dd% (round result). Notice this formula should relate to ALL relevant suppliers (usingmanof_ref`)
9c quarterly_contract_spending_reports.executed none sum of all exectued values for the relevant manof_ref add NIS symbol to value
10 SUBJECTS label per each value. Each label should be linked to a search results page of procurement_tenders from the same topic
11a tender_id מספר מנו"ף tender_id
11b tender_type סוג המכרז: if tender_type == office --> משרדי
11c CLAIM_DATE מועד סגירה: ... בשעה... + HH:MM:
11d CONTACT אנשי קשר: email adresses should be clickable and open user's email client
12a actionable A # to be handled on a follow #51
12b actionable B # to be handled on a follow #51
13 (table intro) table headers : הזוכים במכרז, סכום ההתקשרות, עד כה שולם values in this block are to be calculated by the intersection between current tender_id and `quarterly_contract_spending_reports.manof_ref. Table should be sorted by the value amount (13b) in a decreasing order (biggest value, first row)
13a quarterly_contract_spending_reports.supplier_name in the future it would be linked to future entity page, currently nothing special
13b quarterly_contract_spending_reports.volume none, add a NIS symbol sum of quarterly_contract_spending_reports.volume of the concrete supllier under the concrete manof_ref don't round result, display real number (up to 2 digits after demical point)
13c quarterly_cquarterly_contract_spending_reports.executed| none, add a NIS symbol | sum ofquarterly_contract_spending_reports.executedof the concrete supllier under the concretemanof_ref` don't round result, display real number (up to 2 digits after demical point)
13d link to the relevant התקשרות page
14 (table intro) table shows chronological history of the tender, in a reversed order. Two type of updates to be included: tender status change (bolded), payment (taken from the quarterly report) (bolded row), uploading/updating file (normal text for the entrie row)
14a quarterly_cquarterly_contract_spending_reports.volume,quarterly_cquarterly_contract_spending_reports.executed no headers pie chart of the executed out of the total volume the pie chart refers to the tender's total exectued out of the total approved values, not to be confused with 13 above
14b (update date -- from either quarterly_cquarterly_contract_spending_reportsorprocurement_tenders| | if date == Today -->היום, if Today - date <= 7 -->ימים x לפני, if Today- date < 4 weeks, divide days number by 7 -->לפני כ-x שבועות`, otherwise: raw date (DD.MM.YYYY)
14c quarterly_contract_spending_report.PAGE_URL or quarterly_contract_spending_reports.REPORT-URL don't show address, just display the icon with a relevant link to be opened in a new tab
14d update message needs to set logic to be handled in a separate issue, to be hanled in #52
15 grid intro, based on procurement_tenders.DOCUMENTS קבצים מצורפים
15a update_time none (update date -- from either quarterly_contract_spending_reports or procurement_tenders) if date == Today --> היום, if Today - date <= 7 --> ימים x לפני, if Today- date < 4 weeks, divide days number by 7 --> לפני כ-x שבועות, otherwise: raw date (DD.MM.YYYY)
15b icon + file name icon to be set by the file type extention (doc/pdf/xls/csv), each element should be linked to the link address. If the number of elements is bigger than 3, start a new row of elements
akariv commented 6 years ago

publisher entity page --> didn't we say that we're not going to have those?

noamoss commented 6 years ago


publisher entity page --> didn't we say that we're not going to have those?

we did, forgot to add a comment, fixed. see description.

noamoss commented 6 years ago

(notice I updated the defining criteria of this issue's description, to be more explicit and prevent future duplications The current criteria:

FROM procurement_tenders WHERE tender_type = 'office' AND (decision='חדש' or decision='עודכן')