OpenBuilds / OpenBuilds-CONTROL

OpenBuilds CONTROL: Download from
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Raspberry pi #370

Closed RLutsch closed 2 months ago

RLutsch commented 2 months ago

I've been running control on rpi 4 8gb for a while and worked great but recently it stopped working, my guess is an update broke it.

Machine is fine and connects perfectly using a different machine with control.

the issue seems to be that it keeps rediscovering the USB port

[09:08:01] [ usb ports ] Detected a change in available ports: [/dev/ttyUSB0]

[09:08:02] [ usb ports ] Detected a change in available ports: [/dev/ttyUSB0]

[09:08:02] [ usb ports ] Detected a change in available ports: [/dev/ttyUSB0]

[09:08:03] [ usb ports ] Detected a change in available ports: [/dev/ttyUSB0] ```

So can't connect to the machine anymore, I reinstalled raspbian latest, then cloned the repo and install using and the issue persists. 

Please help[
petervanderwalt commented 2 months ago possibly related, but note Pi stays un "officially unsupported" platform