OpenCBM / nibtools

git mirror of nibtools (, old:
18 stars 10 forks source link


Closed 0wwafa closed 2 days ago

0wwafa commented 4 weeks ago

If you convert a d64 into G64 and set the speed to 300 RPM, you get a 296.4 RPM disk!


Track 1-17 length should be 200000 / 26 = 7692 = $1E0C bytes. On real drives the speed is almost 300 and usually creates tracks of 1E04 bytes (1541 II and 1571 have fixed speeds).

1DB2 (see picture) is 7602 (maybe a typo?) and that means 7602 26 = 197652; 200000/197652 300 = 303.56 RPM!

spiro-trikaliotis commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @0wwafa ,

please note that nibtools is not actively developed here. This is only a GIT mirror of Pete Rittwage's SVN (cf. You should contact him for any bugs, hints and whatever.

0wwafa commented 3 weeks ago

I know.. but I also know that Pete has almost abandoned it...

spiro-trikaliotis commented 2 days ago

I have cloned this issue here:

I am closing it here, as I cannot do anything about it here.

rittwage commented 2 days ago

This is fixed on master.