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Cloudsmith Artifact Retention on OpenCPN Organization #1021

Open rgleason opened 1 year ago

rgleason commented 1 year ago

This applies only to the OpenCPN Organization, not the others.

This important feature was disabled for awhile. We have been given access to it again, however all the OpenCPN repositories need to have these setting enabled and reset again. The attached screenshot shows how to accomplish this, if you are a member of the CS Opencpn Plugin Team. PHopefully the Plugin Team will help get these settings reset. Cloudsmith-Artifact-Lifecycle

Rasbats commented 1 year ago

Edit made to the dev manual. Should be seen on the webpage tomorrow.

rgleason commented 1 year ago

Thank you Mike. I will leave this up here for awhile, so others see it. Re-implementing the Artifact Retainage limits matters, because we have received a number of notices earlier about exceeding storage limits, and we need to trim this down!!