OpenCTI-Platform / docker

OpenCTI Docker deployment helpers
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ERROR: manifest for opencti/platform:4.0.0 not found #16

Closed MarcoGeek closed 3 years ago

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Environment: Ubuntu 20.04 Server Running on Docker.

Error Reproduce:

root@openctiserver:/home/administrator/opt/docker# docker-compose --compatibility up Pulling opencti (opencti/platform:4.0.0)... ERROR: manifest for opencti/platform:4.0.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown root@openctiserver:/home/administrator/opt/docker#

HugooB commented 3 years ago

Same here, running on Ubuntu 18.04.5 in Docker.

It seems that the 4.0.0 tag is not present in Docker hub, which causes the pulls to fail. For now, you can work around the error by replacing all 4.0.0 tags to the latest versions present at For example:

image: opencti/platform:4.0.0 --> image: opencti/platform:latest
image: opencti/worker:4.0.0 --> image: opencti/worker:latest
HugooB commented 3 years ago

@SamuelHassine could you give us any updates on this? As I guess you are currently working on updating things to OpenCTI 4.0.0

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Now I have this issue. Anything else I can try? Thanks in advance.

Pulling connector-history (opencti/connector-history:latest).. ERROR: manifest for opencti/connector-history:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown Pulling connector-history (opencti/connector-history:4.0.0)... ERROR: manifest for opencti/connector-history:4.0.0 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown Pulling connector-history (opencti/connector-history:3.2.1)... ERROR: manifest for opencti/connector-history:3.2.1 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown

HugooB commented 3 years ago

The connector-history seems to be new, so you could disable that be commenting out that part in the docker-compose file. OpenCTI works fine without that connector.

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

OK Thanks. Now I have this. Any assistance is appreciated.

Creating docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 ... done Creating docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 ... done Creating docker_minio_1 ... done Creating docker_rabbitmq_1 ... done Creating docker_connector-opencti_1 ... done Creating docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 ... done Creating docker_grakn_1 ... done Creating docker_redis_1 ... done Creating docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 ... done Creating docker_elasticsearch_1 ... done Creating docker_opencti_1 ... done Creating docker_worker_1 ... done Creating docker_worker_2 ... done Creating docker_worker_3 ... done Attaching to docker_connector-export-file-csv_1, docker_connector-export-file-stix_1, docker_connector-opencti_1, docker_minio_1, docker_connector-import-file-stix_1, docker_rabbitmq_1, docker_elasticsearch_1, docker_redis_1, docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1, docker_grakn_1, docker_opencti_1, docker_worker_2, docker_worker_3, docker_worker_1 connector-export-file-csv_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-export-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-import-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-opencti_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T12:59:40,042Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "version[7.9.1], pid[9], build[default/docker/083627f112ba94dffc1232e8b42b73492789ef91/2020-09-01T21:22:21.964974Z], OS[Linux/5.4.0-51-generic/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.1/14.0.1+7]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T12:59:40,046Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "JVM home [/usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T12:59:40,047Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30,, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -Des.cgroups.hierarchy.override=/, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Des.path.home=/usr/share/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/usr/share/elasticsearch/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=docker, -Des.bundled_jdk=true]" } grakn_1 | ==================================================================================================== grakn1 | ____ ____ __ _____ grakn_1 | | || \ | || | / /| \ | | | || || _ \ | | grakn_1 | | | ||| | | | | | | || | / / | \ | | | | ||| | | || | | | | | grakn_1 | | | | || / | || || |/ / | | | | | | | | || |_| / | |__ grakn1 | | || || \ | || \ | | | | | | | || _ \ | | grakn_1 | | || || | \ \ | | | || | \ \ | | \ | | || || || || | \ \ | |__ grakn_1 | |____||| _|| |||| \|| \| |____||||| \|| grakn_1 | grakn_1 | THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH grakn_1 | ==================================================================================================== grakn_1 | Version: 1.8.3 minio_1 | minio_1 | You are running an older version of MinIO released 3 months ago minio_1 | Update: docker pull minio/minio:RELEASE.2020-10-18T21-54-12Z minio_1 | minio_1 | minio_1 | Attempting encryption of all config, IAM users and policies on MinIO backend minio_1 | Endpoint: minio_1 | minio_1 | Browser Access: minio_1 | minio_1 | minio_1 | Object API (Amazon S3 compatible): minio_1 | Go: minio_1 | Java: minio_1 | Python: minio_1 | JavaScript: minio_1 | .NET: rabbitmq_1 | Configuring logger redirection rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.411 [debug] <0.287.0> Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into error_logger rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.290.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into error_logger_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.293.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.296.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_channel_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.299.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_connection_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.302.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_feature_flags_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.305.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_federation_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.308.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_ldap_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.314.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_prelaunch_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.458 [debug] <0.311.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_mirroring_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.459 [debug] <0.317.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_queue_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.459 [debug] <0.320.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_ra_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.459 [debug] <0.323.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_shovel_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.459 [debug] <0.326.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_upgrade_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 12:59:41.483 [info] <0.44.0> Application lager started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 build/index.js opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_error":{},"_showLocations":false,"_showPath":false,"time_thrown":"2020-10-20T12:59:40.082Z","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}},"level":"error","message":"[OPENCTI] GraphQL initialization fail","timestamp":"2020-10-20T12:59:40.083Z"} opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1. opencti_1 | info Visit for documentation about this command. redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.117 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.117 # Redis version=6.0.5, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.117 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.118 Running mode=standalone, port=6379. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.118 # Server initialized redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.118 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.118 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 12:59:35.118 * Ready to accept connections worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in init worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in init worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in init worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration.

HugooB commented 3 years ago

I've also downgraded Grakn to make it work:

image: graknlabs/grakn:1.7.2

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your help. However, i get the same database error with grakn:1.7.2. Any other suggestion please. Do we need to change the port? opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er ror":{},"_showLocations":false,"_showPath":false,"time_thrown":"2020-10-20T15:26 :23.000Z","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalD ata":{}},"level":"error","message":"[OPENCTI] GraphQL initialization fail","time stamp":"2020-10-20T15:26:23.001Z"}

Status: Downloaded newer image for graknlabs/grakn:1.7.2 Starting docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-opencti_1 ... done Starting docker_redis_1 ... done Starting docker_minio_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 ... done Starting docker_rabbitmq_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 ... done Recreating docker_grakn_1 ... done Starting docker_elasticsearch_1 ... done Recreating docker_opencti_1 ... done Recreating docker_worker_1 ... done Recreating docker_worker_2 ... done Recreating docker_worker_3 ... done Attaching to docker_connector-opencti_1, docker_connector-export-file-csv_1, docker_connector-import-file-stix_1, docker_redis_1, docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1, docker_elasticsearch_1, docker_minio_1, docker_rabbitmq_1, docker_connector-export-file-stix_1, docker_grakn_1, docker_opencti_1, docker_worker_3, docker_worker_1, docker_worker_2 connector-export-file-csv_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-export-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-import-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-opencti_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:22,675Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "version[7.9.1], pid[6], build[default/docker/083627f112ba94dffc1232e8b42b73492789ef91/2020-09-01T21:22:21.964974Z], OS[Linux/5.4.0-51-generic/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.1/14.0.1+7]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:22,680Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "JVM home [/usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:22,680Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30,, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -Des.cgroups.hierarchy.override=/, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Des.path.home=/usr/share/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/usr/share/elasticsearch/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=docker, -Des.bundled_jdk=true]" } grakn_1 | ==================================================================================================== grakn1 | ____ ____ __ _____ grakn_1 | | || \ | || | / /| \ | | | || || _ \ | | grakn_1 | | | ||| | | | | | | || | / / | \ | | | | ||| | | || | | | | | grakn_1 | | | | || / | || || |/ / | | | | | | | | || |_| / | |__ grakn1 | | || || \ | || \ | | | | | | | || _ \ | | grakn_1 | | || || | \ \ | | | || | \ \ | | \ | | || || || || | \ \ | |__ grakn_1 | |____||| _|| |||| \|| \| |____||||| \|| grakn_1 | grakn_1 | THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH grakn_1 | ==================================================================================================== grakn_1 | Version: 1.7.2 minio_1 | minio_1 | You are running an older version of MinIO released 3 months ago minio_1 | Update: docker pull minio/minio:RELEASE.2020-10-18T21-54-12Z minio_1 | minio_1 | minio_1 | Endpoint: minio_1 | minio_1 | Browser Access: minio_1 | minio_1 | minio_1 | Object API (Amazon S3 compatible): minio_1 | Go: minio_1 | Java: minio_1 | Python: minio_1 | JavaScript: minio_1 | .NET: opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 build/index.js opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_error":{},"_showLocations":false,"_showPath":false,"time_thrown":"2020-10-20T15:26:23.000Z","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}},"level":"error","message":"[OPENCTI] GraphQL initialization fail","timestamp":"2020-10-20T15:26:23.001Z"} opencti_1 | info Visit for documentation about this command. opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1. rabbitmq_1 | Configuring logger redirection redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.548 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.548 # Redis version=6.0.5, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.548 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 Running mode=standalone, port=6379. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 # Server initialized redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 Loading RDB produced by version 6.0.5 redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 RDB age 8728 seconds redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 RDB memory usage when created 0.77 Mb redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 DB loaded from disk: 0.000 seconds redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 * Ready to accept connections worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in init worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in init worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in init worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,715Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,715Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [analysis-common]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,716Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [constant-keyword]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,716Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [flattened]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,717Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [frozen-indices]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,717Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [ingest-common]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,717Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [ingest-geoip]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,718Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [ingest-user-agent]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,718Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [kibana]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,718Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [lang-expression]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,719Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [lang-mustache]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,719Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [lang-painless]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,719Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [mapper-extras]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,720Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [parent-join]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,720Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [percolator]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,720Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [rank-eval]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [reindex]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [repository-url]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [search-business-rules]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [searchable-snapshots]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,722Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [spatial]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,722Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [tasks]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,722Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [transform]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [transport-netty4]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [vectors]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [wildcard]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-analytics]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-async]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-async-search]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-autoscaling]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ccr]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-core]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-data-streams]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-deprecation]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-enrich]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-eql]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-graph]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-identity-provider]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ilm]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-logstash]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ml]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-monitoring]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ql]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-rollup]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-security]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-sql]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-stack]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-voting-only-node]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-watcher]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,729Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "no plugins loaded" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,791Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.e.NodeEnvironment", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "using [1] data paths, mounts [[/usr/share/elasticsearch/data (/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv)]], net usable_space [171gb], net total_space [195.8gb], types [ext4]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,791Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.e.NodeEnvironment", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,919Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "node name [c19cd1c94f4b], node ID [HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw], cluster name [docker-cluster]" } connector-opencti_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.078 [debug] <0.287.0> Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into error_logger rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.299.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_connection_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.290.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into error_logger_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.293.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.296.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_channel_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.311.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_mirroring_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.302.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_feature_flags_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.305.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_federation_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.308.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_ldap_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.314.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_prelaunch_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.317.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_queue_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.320.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_ra_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.323.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_shovel_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.326.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_upgrade_lager_event connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.114 [info] <0.44.0> Application lager started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a connector-import-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.578 [debug] <0.283.0> Lager installed handler lager_backend_throttle into lager_event connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... connector-export-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.420 [info] <0.44.0> Application mnesia started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.420 [info] <0.272.0> rabbitmq_1 | Starting RabbitMQ 3.8.9 on Erlang 23.1.1 rabbitmq_1 | Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. rabbitmq_1 | Licensed under the MPL 2.0. Website: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | ## ## RabbitMQ 3.8.9 rabbitmq_1 | ## ## rabbitmq_1 | ########## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. rabbitmq_1 | ###### ## rabbitmq_1 | ########## Licensed under the MPL 2.0. Website: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Doc guides: rabbitmq_1 | Support: rabbitmq_1 | Tutorials: rabbitmq_1 | Monitoring: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Logs: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Config file(s): /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Starting broker...2020-10-20 15:26:31.422 [info] <0.272.0> rabbitmq_1 | node : rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | home dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq_1 | config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf rabbitmq_1 | cookie hash : AeyiAHyBEGOIiZ/8doyd+Q== rabbitmq_1 | log(s) : rabbitmq_1 | database dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.435 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step pre_boot defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.435 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_core_metrics defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.436 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_alarm defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.439 [info] <0.405.0> Memory high watermark set to 12834 MiB (13457444044 bytes) of 32085 MiB (33643610112 bytes) total rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.443 [info] <0.407.0> Enabling free disk space monitoring rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.443 [info] <0.407.0> Disk free limit set to 50MB rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.448 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step code_server_cache defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.448 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step file_handle_cache defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.410.0> Limiting to approx 1048479 file handles (943629 sockets) rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.411.0> FHC read buffering: OFF rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.411.0> FHC write buffering: ON rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step worker_pool defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.389.0> Will use 8 processes for default worker pool rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.450 [info] <0.389.0> Starting worker pool 'worker_pool' with 8 processes in it rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.451 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step database defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.453 [info] <0.272.0> Waiting for Mnesia tables for 30000 ms, 9 retries left rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.911 [info] <0.272.0> Successfully synced tables from a peer rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.911 [info] <0.272.0> Waiting for Mnesia tables for 30000 ms, 9 retries left rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.049 [info] <0.272.0> Successfully synced tables from a peer elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:32,152Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.x.m.p.l.CppLogMessageHandler", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[controller/209] [] controller (64 bit): Version 7.9.1 (Build 6ed2566ba11bb5) Copyright (c) 2020 Elasticsearch BV" } rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.176 [info] <0.272.0> Waiting for Mnesia tables for 30000 ms, 9 retries left rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Successfully synced tables from a peer rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Peer discovery backend rabbit_peer_discovery_classic_config does not support registration, skipping registration. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step database_sync defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step feature_flags defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step codec_correctness_check defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step external_infrastructure defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_registry defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_random defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_event defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_direct defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_fanout defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_headers defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_topic defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_mode_all defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_mode_exactly defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_mode_nodes defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_priority_queue defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Priority queues enabled, real BQ is rabbit_variable_queue rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_client_local defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_min_masters defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step kernel_ready defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_sysmon_minder defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_epmd_monitor defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.181 [info] <0.487.0> epmd monitor knows us, inter-node communication (distribution) port: 25672 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.181 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step guid_generator defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.200 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_node_monitor defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.201 [info] <0.491.0> Starting rabbit_node_monitor rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.201 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step delegate_sup defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.202 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_memory_monitor defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.203 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step core_initialized defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.203 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step upgrade_queues defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_connection_tracking defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_connection_tracking_handler defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_parameters defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_misc defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.223 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_policies defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_policy defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_validator defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_quorum_memory_manager defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_vhost_limit defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step recovery defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.226 [info] <0.521.0> Making sure data directory '/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@17f5bcd4122a/msg_stores/vhosts/628WB79CIFDYO9LJI6DKMI09L' for vhost '/' exists rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.270 [info] <0.521.0> Starting message stores for vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.270 [info] <0.525.0> Message store "628WB79CIFDYO9LJI6DKMI09L/msg_store_transient": using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.301 [info] <0.521.0> Started message store of type transient for vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.301 [info] <0.529.0> Message store "628WB79CIFDYO9LJI6DKMI09L/msg_store_persistent": using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.303 [info] <0.521.0> Started message store of type persistent for vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.336 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step empty_db_check defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.336 [info] <0.272.0> Will not seed default virtual host and user: have definitions to load... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.336 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_looking_glass defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_core_metrics_gc defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step background_gc defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step connection_tracking defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Setting up a table for connection tracking on this node: tracked_connection_on_node_rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Setting up a table for per-vhost connection counting on this node: tracked_connection_per_vhost_on_node_rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step routing_ready defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step pre_flight defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step notify_cluster defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step networking defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step definition_import_worker_pool defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.389.0> Starting worker pool 'definition_import_pool' with 8 processes in it rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.339 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step cluster_name defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.339 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step direct_client defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.340 [info] <0.44.0> Application rabbit started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "parsed [0] rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.863 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.863 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.870 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.893 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.919 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.943 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.966 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.991 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.991 [info] <0.568ent docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.037 [info] <0.633 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.037 [info] <0.739 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.037 [info] <0.738 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.043 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.127 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.151 [info] <0.752 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.151 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.151 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.154 [info] <0.871 rabbitmq_1 | completed with 4 plugins. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.375 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_prometheus rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_management rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_web_dispatch rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_management_agent rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.375 [info] <0.568 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020ame": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "using discovery elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "gateway.auted or imported and must be managed manually" } docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020er-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "initialized" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020er-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "starting ..." } docker_opencti_1 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020name": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "publish_addres elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020e": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "cluster UUID [GZw elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020ame": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "elected-as-mast.18.0.8}{}{dilmrt}{ml.machine_memory=33643610112, xpack.installedNISHELECTION], term: 2, version: 36, delta: master node changed {previous [], 18.0.8:9300}{dilmrt}{ml.machine_memory=33643610112, xpack.installed=true, transf elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "master chsJul2nQ}{}{}{dilmrt}{ml.machine_memory=33643610112, xreason: Publication{term=2, version=36}" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020, "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "pubWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020er-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "started", "cluster.uuid": elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020me": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "license [e307063bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020ener", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message":p5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020me": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "recovered [0] inhQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:23.001Z"} opencti_1 | info Visit opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:29.464Z"} opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 opencti_1 | info Visit worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:40.544Z"} opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 opencti_1 | info Visit opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:40.544Z"} opencti_1 | info Visit opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 grakn_1 | Starting Storage.........SUCCESS grakn_1 | Starting Grakn Core Server.....SUCCES grakn_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:42,769 [main] INFO opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha connector-import-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-opencti_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_worker_3 exited with code 0 connector-export-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.041 [info] <0.878 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.045 [info] <0.878ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.056 [info] <0.878 user: 'guest') rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.056 [info] <0.890 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.058 [info] <0.890ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.062 [info] <0.890 user: 'guest') rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.063 [info] <0.902 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.064 [info] <0.902ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.070 [info] <0.902 user: 'guest') docker_worker_2 exited with code 0 docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-opencti_1 exited with code 0 connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 exited with code 0 worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[o "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } connector-import-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[s": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[sster.uuid": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[wd": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[sid": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-import-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with connector-opencti_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-opencti_1 exited with code 0 connector-export-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-export-file-csv_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with connector-opencti_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[stix_kVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 exited with code 0 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[stix_kVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:08.554 [info] <0.919 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:08.556 [info] <0.919ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:08.566 [info] <0.919 user: 'guest') docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:09.462 [info] <0.931 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:09.464 [info] <0.931ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:09.470 [info] <0.931 user: 'guest') docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa Status: Downloaded newer image for graknlabs/grakn:1.7.2 Starting docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-opencti_1 ... done Starting docker_redis_1 ... done Starting docker_minio_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 ... done Starting docker_rabbitmq_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 ... done Starting docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 ... done Recreating docker_grakn_1 ... done Starting docker_elasticsearch_1 ... done Recreating docker_opencti_1 ... done Recreating docker_worker_1 ... done Recreating docker_worker_2 ... done Recreating docker_worker_3 ... done Attaching to docker_connector-opencti_1, docker_connector-export-file-csv_1, docker_connector-import-file-stix_1, docker_redis_1, docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1, docker_elasticsearch_1, docker_minio_1, docker_rabbitmq_1, docker_connector-export-file-stix_1, docker_grakn_1, docker_opencti_1, docker_worker_3, docker_worker_1, docker_worker_2 connector-export-file-csv_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-export-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-import-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. connector-opencti_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:22,675Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "version[7.9.1], pid[6], build[default/docker/083627f112ba94dffc1232e8b42b73492789ef91/2020-09-01T21:22:21.964974Z], OS[Linux/5.4.0-51-generic/amd64], JVM[AdoptOpenJDK/OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM/14.0.1/14.0.1+7]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:22,680Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "JVM home [/usr/share/elasticsearch/jdk]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:22,680Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "JVM arguments [-Xshare:auto, -Des.networkaddress.cache.ttl=60, -Des.networkaddress.cache.negative.ttl=10, -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch, -Xss1m, -Djava.awt.headless=true, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Djna.nosys=true, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow, -XX:+ShowCodeDetailsInExceptionMessages, -Dio.netty.noUnsafe=true, -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization=true, -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacityPerThread=0, -Dio.netty.allocator.numDirectArenas=0, -Dlog4j.shutdownHookEnabled=false, -Dlog4j2.disable.jmx=true, -Djava.locale.providers=SPI,COMPAT, -Xms1g, -Xmx1g, -XX:+UseG1GC, -XX:G1ReservePercent=25, -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=30,, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=data, -XX:ErrorFile=logs/hs_err_pid%p.log, -Xlog:gc*,gc+age=trace,safepoint:file=logs/gc.log:utctime,pid,tags:filecount=32,filesize=64m, -Des.cgroups.hierarchy.override=/, -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=536870912, -Des.path.home=/usr/share/elasticsearch, -Des.path.conf=/usr/share/elasticsearch/config, -Des.distribution.flavor=default, -Des.distribution.type=docker, -Des.bundled_jdk=true]" } grakn_1 | ==================================================================================================== grakn_1 | __ _ ___ _ ___ grakn_1 | | || \ | || | / /| \ | | | || || _ \ | ____| grakn_1 | | | ||| | | | | | | || | / / | \ | | | | ||| | | || | | | | | grakn1 | | | ____ | || / | || || |/ / | | | | | | | | || || / | |__ grakn1 | | || || \ | || \ | | | | | | | || _ \ | ____| grakn_1 | | || || | \ \ | | | || | \ \ | | \ | | || || || || | \ \ | | grakn_1 | |____||| _|| |||| \|| \| |||||| \|| grakn_1 | grakn_1 | THE KNOWLEDGE GRAPH grakn_1 | ==================================================================================================== grakn_1 | Version: 1.7.2 minio_1 | minio_1 | You are running an older version of MinIO released 3 months ago minio_1 | Update: docker pull minio/minio:RELEASE.2020-10-18T21-54-12Z minio_1 | minio_1 | minio_1 | Endpoint: minio_1 | minio_1 | Browser Access: minio_1 | minio_1 | minio_1 | Object API (Amazon S3 compatible): minio_1 | Go: minio_1 | Java: minio_1 | Python: minio_1 | JavaScript: minio_1 | .NET: opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 build/index.js opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_error":{},"_showLocations":false,"_showPath":false,"time_thrown":"2020-10-20T15:26:23.000Z","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}},"level":"error","message":"[OPENCTI] GraphQL initialization fail","timestamp":"2020-10-20T15:26:23.001Z"} opencti_1 | info Visit for documentation about this command. opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1. rabbitmq_1 | Configuring logger redirection redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.548 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.548 # Redis version=6.0.5, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started redis_1 | 1:C 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.548 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 Running mode=standalone, port=6379. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 # Server initialized redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 # WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.549 # WARNING you have Transparent Huge Pages (THP) support enabled in your kernel. This will create latency and memory usage issues with Redis. To fix this issue run the command 'echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled' as root, and add it to your /etc/rc.local in order to retain the setting after a reboot. Redis must be restarted after THP is disabled. redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 Loading RDB produced by version 6.0.5 redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 RDB age 8728 seconds redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 RDB memory usage when created 0.77 Mb redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 DB loaded from disk: 0.000 seconds redis_1 | 1:M 20 Oct 2020 15:26:17.550 Ready to accept connections worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in init worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in init worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with filters null. worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in init worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self.opencti_url, self.opencti_token) worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycti/api/", line 125, in init worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..." worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,715Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [aggs-matrix-stats]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,715Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [analysis-common]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,716Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [constant-keyword]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,716Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [flattened]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,717Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [frozen-indices]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,717Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [ingest-common]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,717Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [ingest-geoip]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,718Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [ingest-user-agent]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,718Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [kibana]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,718Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [lang-expression]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,719Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [lang-mustache]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,719Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [lang-painless]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,719Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [mapper-extras]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,720Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [parent-join]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,720Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [percolator]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,720Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [rank-eval]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [reindex]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [repository-url]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [search-business-rules]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,721Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [searchable-snapshots]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,722Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [spatial]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,722Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [tasks]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,722Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [transform]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [transport-netty4]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [vectors]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [wildcard]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,723Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-analytics]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-async]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-async-search]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-autoscaling]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,724Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ccr]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-core]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-data-streams]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-deprecation]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-enrich]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,725Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-eql]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-graph]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-identity-provider]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ilm]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,726Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-logstash]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ml]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-monitoring]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-ql]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-rollup]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,727Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-security]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-sql]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-stack]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-voting-only-node]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,728Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "loaded module [x-pack-watcher]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,729Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.p.PluginsService", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "no plugins loaded" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,791Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.e.NodeEnvironment", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "using [1] data paths, mounts [[/usr/share/elasticsearch/data (/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv)]], net usable_space [171gb], net total_space [195.8gb], types [ext4]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,791Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.e.NodeEnvironment", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "heap size [1gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [true]" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:26,919Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.n.Node", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "node name [c19cd1c94f4b], node ID [HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw], cluster name [docker-cluster]" } connector-opencti_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.078 [debug] <0.287.0> Lager installed handler error_logger_lager_h into error_logger rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.299.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_connection_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.290.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into error_logger_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.293.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.296.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_channel_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.311.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_mirroring_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.084 [debug] <0.302.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_feature_flags_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.305.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_federation_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.308.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_ldap_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.314.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_prelaunch_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.317.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_queue_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.320.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_ra_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.323.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_shovel_lager_event rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.085 [debug] <0.326.0> Lager installed handler lager_forwarder_backend into rabbit_log_upgrade_lager_event connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.114 [info] <0.44.0> Application lager started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a connector-import-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:27.578 [debug] <0.283.0> Lager installed handler lager_backend_throttle into lager_event connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... connector-export-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.420 [info] <0.44.0> Application mnesia started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.420 [info] <0.272.0> rabbitmq_1 | Starting RabbitMQ 3.8.9 on Erlang 23.1.1 rabbitmq_1 | Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. rabbitmq_1 | Licensed under the MPL 2.0. Website: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | ## ## RabbitMQ 3.8.9 rabbitmq_1 | ## ## rabbitmq_1 | ########## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. rabbitmq_1 | ###### ## rabbitmq_1 | ########## Licensed under the MPL 2.0. Website: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Doc guides: rabbitmq_1 | Support: rabbitmq_1 | Tutorials: rabbitmq_1 | Monitoring: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Logs: rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Config file(s): /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_1 | Starting broker...2020-10-20 15:26:31.422 [info] <0.272.0> rabbitmq_1 | node : rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | home dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq rabbitmq_1 | config file(s) : /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf rabbitmq_1 | cookie hash : AeyiAHyBEGOIiZ/8doyd+Q== rabbitmq_1 | log(s) : rabbitmq_1 | database dir : /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.435 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step pre_boot defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.435 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_core_metrics defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.436 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_alarm defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.439 [info] <0.405.0> Memory high watermark set to 12834 MiB (13457444044 bytes) of 32085 MiB (33643610112 bytes) total rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.443 [info] <0.407.0> Enabling free disk space monitoring rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.443 [info] <0.407.0> Disk free limit set to 50MB rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.448 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step code_server_cache defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.448 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step file_handle_cache defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.410.0> Limiting to approx 1048479 file handles (943629 sockets) rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.411.0> FHC read buffering: OFF rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.411.0> FHC write buffering: ON rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step worker_pool defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.449 [info] <0.389.0> Will use 8 processes for default worker pool rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.450 [info] <0.389.0> Starting worker pool 'worker_pool' with 8 processes in it rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.451 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step database defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.453 [info] <0.272.0> Waiting for Mnesia tables for 30000 ms, 9 retries left rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.911 [info] <0.272.0> Successfully synced tables from a peer rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:31.911 [info] <0.272.0> Waiting for Mnesia tables for 30000 ms, 9 retries left rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.049 [info] <0.272.0> Successfully synced tables from a peer elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020-10-20T15:26:32,152Z", "level": "INFO", "component": "o.e.x.m.p.l.CppLogMessageHandler", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[controller/209] [] controller (64 bit): Version 7.9.1 (Build 6ed2566ba11bb5) Copyright (c) 2020 Elasticsearch BV" } rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.176 [info] <0.272.0> Waiting for Mnesia tables for 30000 ms, 9 retries left rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Successfully synced tables from a peer rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Peer discovery backend rabbit_peer_discovery_classic_config does not support registration, skipping registration. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step database_sync defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step feature_flags defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step codec_correctness_check defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step external_infrastructure defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_registry defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.177 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_auth_mechanism_cr_demo defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_random defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_event defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_auth_mechanism_amqplain defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_auth_mechanism_plain defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.178 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_direct defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_fanout defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_headers defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_type_topic defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_mode_all defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_mode_exactly defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_mode_nodes defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_priority_queue defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.179 [info] <0.272.0> Priority queues enabled, real BQ is rabbit_variable_queue rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_client_local defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_min_masters defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step kernel_ready defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_sysmon_minder defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.180 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_epmd_monitor defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.181 [info] <0.487.0> epmd monitor knows us, inter-node communication (distribution) port: 25672 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.181 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step guid_generator defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.200 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_node_monitor defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.201 [info] <0.491.0> Starting rabbit_node_monitor rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.201 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step delegate_sup defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.202 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_memory_monitor defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.203 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step core_initialized defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.203 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step upgrade_queues defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_connection_tracking defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_connection_tracking_handler defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_exchange_parameters defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.222 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_mirror_queue_misc defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.223 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_policies defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_policy defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_queue_location_validator defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_quorum_memory_manager defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_vhost_limit defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.225 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step recovery defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.226 [info] <0.521.0> Making sure data directory '/var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@17f5bcd4122a/msg_stores/vhosts/628WB79CIFDYO9LJI6DKMI09L' for vhost '/' exists rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.270 [info] <0.521.0> Starting message stores for vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.270 [info] <0.525.0> Message store "628WB79CIFDYO9LJI6DKMI09L/msg_store_transient": using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.301 [info] <0.521.0> Started message store of type transient for vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.301 [info] <0.529.0> Message store "628WB79CIFDYO9LJI6DKMI09L/msg_store_persistent": using rabbit_msg_store_ets_index to provide index rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.303 [info] <0.521.0> Started message store of type persistent for vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.336 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step empty_db_check defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.336 [info] <0.272.0> Will not seed default virtual host and user: have definitions to load... rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.336 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_looking_glass defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step rabbit_core_metrics_gc defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step background_gc defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step connection_tracking defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.337 [info] <0.272.0> Setting up a table for connection tracking on this node: tracked_connection_on_node_rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Setting up a table for per-vhost connection counting on this node: tracked_connection_per_vhost_on_node_rabbit@17f5bcd4122a rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step routing_ready defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step pre_flight defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step notify_cluster defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step networking defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step definition_import_worker_pool defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.338 [info] <0.389.0> Starting worker pool 'definition_import_pool' with 8 processes in it rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.339 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step cluster_name defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.339 [info] <0.272.0> Running boot step direct_client defined by app rabbit rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:32.340 [info] <0.44.0> Application rabbit started on node rabbit@17f5bcd4122a elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "parsed [0] rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.505 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.863 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.863 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.870 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.893 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.919 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.943 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.966 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.991 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:33.991 [info] <0.568ent docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.037 [info] <0.633 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.037 [info] <0.739 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.037 [info] <0.738 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.043 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.127 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.151 [info] <0.752 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.151 [info] <0.44. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.151 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.154 [info] <0.871 rabbitmq_1 | completed with 4 plugins. rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.375 [info] <0.568 rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_prometheus rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_management rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_web_dispatch rabbitmq_1 | rabbitmq_management_agent rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:34.375 [info] <0.568 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020ame": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "using discovery elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "gateway.auted or imported and must be managed manually" } docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020er-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "initialized" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020er-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "starting ..." } docker_opencti_1 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020name": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "publish_addres elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020e": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "cluster UUID [GZw elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020ame": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "elected-as-mast.18.0.8}{}{dilmrt}{ml.machine_memory=33643610112, xpack.installedNISHELECTION], term: 2, version: 36, delta: master node changed {previous [], 18.0.8:9300}{dilmrt}{ml.machine_memory=33643610112, xpack.installed=true, transf elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "master chsJul2nQ}{}{}{dilmrt}{ml.machine_memory=33643610112, xreason: Publication{term=2, version=36}" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020, "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "pubWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020er-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "started", "cluster.uuid": elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020me": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "license [e307063bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020ener", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message":p5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020me": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "recovered [0] inhQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:23.001Z"} opencti_1 | info Visit opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:29.464Z"} opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 opencti_1 | info Visit worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:40.544Z"} opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 opencti_1 | info Visit opencti_1 | {"error":{"name":"DatabaseError","_er","data":{"reason":"Grakn seems down","category":"technical"},"internalData":{}}20T15:26:40.544Z"} opencti_1 | info Visit opencti_1 | error Command failed with exit code 1 grakn_1 | Starting Storage.........SUCCESS grakn_1 | Starting Grakn Core Server.....SUCCES grakn_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:42,769 [main] INFO opencti_1 | yarn run v1.19.1 opencti_1 | $ node --max_old_space_size=8192 buil worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha connector-import-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-opencti_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_worker_3 exited with code 0 connector-export-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.041 [info] <0.878 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.045 [info] <0.878ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.056 [info] <0.878 user: 'guest') rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.056 [info] <0.890 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.058 [info] <0.890ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.062 [info] <0.890 user: 'guest') rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.063 [info] <0.902 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.064 [info] <0.902ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:26:48.070 [info] <0.902 user: 'guest') docker_worker_2 exited with code 0 docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-opencti_1 exited with code 0 connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 exited with code 0 worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[o "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } connector-import-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[s": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } worker_2 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_2 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_2 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_2 | worker = Worker() worker_2 | File "", line 212, in in worker_2 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_2 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_2 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_2 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[sster.uuid": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } docker_connector-import-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[wd": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 docker_worker_2 exited with code 1 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "2020", "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[sid": "GZwhkVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } connector-export-file-csv_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-import-file-stix_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with connector-opencti_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting docker_connector-export-file-csv_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-opencti_1 exited with code 0 connector-export-file-stix_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 | OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting connector-export-file-csv_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with connector-opencti_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[stix_kVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } docker_connector-export-file-stix_1 exited with code 0 docker_connector-import-file-pdf-observables_1 exited with code 0 elasticsearch_1 | {"type": "server", "timestamp": "": "docker-cluster", "": "c19cd1c94f4b", "message": "[stix_kVWHT_OG1gcp5bYEeg", "": "HBUcZX_hQhGs4UF_UXL7Dw" } rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:08.554 [info] <0.919 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:08.556 [info] <0.919ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:08.566 [info] <0.919 user: 'guest') docker_worker_3 exited with code 1 worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_3 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_3 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_3 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_3 | worker = Worker() worker_3 | File "", line 212, in in worker_3 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_3 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_3 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_3 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:09.462 [info] <0.931 rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:09.464 [info] <0.931ted and granted access to vhost '/' rabbitmq_1 | 2020-10-20 15:27:09.470 [info] <0.931 user: 'guest') docker_worker_1 exited with code 1 worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa worker_1 | ValueError: OpenCTI API is not reacha worker_1 | INFO:root:Listing Threat-Actors with worker_1 | Traceback (most recent call last): worker_1 | File "", line 300, in <mod worker_1 | worker = Worker() worker_1 | File "", line 212, in __in worker_1 | self.api = OpenCTIApiClient(self. worker_1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site worker_1 | "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Wa

HugooB commented 3 years ago

Did you wait for a while to let it all startup nicely?

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

I did. I wait for a while but the error message is continue to appear. Is this normal? How long should I wait if i need to wait? Can I leave it for 30 minutes to see if that helps? Thanks

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Initially It gave Database error and later it keeps repeating "OpenCTI API is not reachable. Waiting for OpenCTI API to start or check your configuration..."

HugooB commented 3 years ago

No that is not normal, it should be ready within a few minutes.. What does your docker-compose.yml file look like?

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Here is my docker-compose.yml file. The thing is I can access the OpenCTI however it has some error. Also the API is not reachable is keep running on the ubuntu shell. any idea?

version: '3' services: grakn: image: graknlabs/grakn:1.8.3 ports:


MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

You know what. The best way to install is using the OVA image. Its quick and work without any issue. Also it comes with portainer for management of the docker. I just deployed it and it looks fine. I am performing rest of the configuration. But I would like to thank you for all your response. You were assisting me with this. I spent one week to figure this out and to get landing page. Thanks So Much. Its time to explore it and take it to next level. I am closing the ticket. by the way on docker also I change it to latest >>rolling and it works with same error. Now no more exploring on deployment activity.

richard-julien commented 3 years ago

For information OpenCTI 4.0 is currently in development. So reserved to developers for now.

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Thank You. Appreciate your update. just one last query my thehive is running in production. Just need ton know. how to send automatic notifications classified by severity to the Security Incident Response Platform (TheHive)

richard-julien commented 3 years ago

Hi @MarcoGeek . Can you create a specific feature request explaining your needs? Expected Workflow? Type of information? and all detail you have in mind. Thanks

Please do it in the openCTI main repository.

MarcoGeek commented 3 years ago

Ok Sure will do that. Appreciate your response.