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Ensure the valid_until date on Indicators is set to a greater value than valid_from when empty (compliance with STIX 2.1 #6836

Closed Jipegien closed 1 day ago

Jipegien commented 2 months ago

Use case

From community : I observe that when a “revoked” indicator is published with an empty “valid_until” date, it is modified by OpenCTI to define a “valid_until” date equal to the “valid_from” date according to this code: However, according to the STIX 2.1 specification, it seems that the 'valid_until' date MUST be greater than the 'valid_from' property: Setting 'valid_until' to the date of 'valid_from' causes compatibility problems with the STIX2 python library, which generates an error such as “Exception: indicator--7a7b3cb1-8e39-57ee-b80d-698fcea8c9f0 ‘valid_until’ must be greater than ‘valid_from’” and prevent to consume TAXII feed with the usage of standard TAXII/STIX python library.

Jipegien commented 2 months ago

just ensure that the valid_until date is one second greater than valid_from attribute when empty

SarahBocognano commented 1 week ago

Update: After discussing with the product team, we noticed that there was another issue on this topic. Currently, in the platform, we can set a valid_from equal to valid_until, which is not standard in the STIX format. Therefore, we have decided to add a validation check and an error message to enforce that valid_until must be greater than valid_from to comply with the STIX standard.