OpenCTI-Platform / opencti

Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
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Knowledge entity list is not automatically refreshed anymore. #7442

Closed aHenryJard closed 4 days ago

aHenryJard commented 5 days ago


Knowledge entity list is not automatically refreshed anymore when adding a new relation, need to refresh the page to see additions.


  1. OS (where OpenCTI server runs): { e.g. Mac OS 10, Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.4, etc. }
  2. OpenCTI version: { e.g. OpenCTI 1.0.2 } - unreleased (master)
  3. OpenCTI client: { e.g. frontend or python }
  4. Other environment details:

Reproducible Steps

Steps to create the smallest reproducible scenario:

  1. Go on one intrusion-set > knowledge tab, and show entities view (default first view)
  2. Add a new relation with the + button on the bottom right

Expected Output

The screen is refresh and the new entitie related to intrusion set is there

Actual Output

You need to refresh the whole page (F5) to see the new related entity

Additional information

I't not only intrusion set, please check all knowledge tab.

Screenshots (optional)