OpenCTI-Platform / opencti

Open Cyber Threat Intelligence Platform
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Connectors registered and workers connected but no data #7463

Closed AmitKulkarni9 closed 4 days ago

AmitKulkarni9 commented 4 days ago




  1. OS (where OpenCTI server runs): { Ubuntu 16.4, etc. }
  2. OpenCTI version: { e.g. OpenCTI 6.1.12}
  3. OpenCTI client: { e.g. frontend }
  4. Other environment details:

Reproducible Steps

Steps to create the smallest reproducible scenario: Installed the opencti through docker and modified .env with aws public url. other mandatory things password and uuid also set. The connectors are registered and workers connected. See read/write operations but no data populated ?

image image

Additional information

AmitKulkarni9 commented 4 days ago

Working. Closing the question.