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OpenCTI fails to detect successfully authenticated OpenID Connect SSO via ADFS #7477

Open animedbz16 opened 3 days ago

animedbz16 commented 3 days ago


After successfully configuring OpenCTI to leverage ADFS via OpenID Connect for SSO, a user can successfully log in but then OpenCTI will fail to create a new user because it is not able to detect the email / name / etc from the userinfo.

The relevant code block is here:

When I inspected the data obtained inside of the userinfo object, it only contains an object like the following { sub: <BASE64 encoded data> }, so attempting to access a key of email, name, etc will yield an undefined value.

When looking at ADFS documentation, it seems that the userinfo endpoint will not return additional claims see link and screenshot below:


Microsoft recommends that if you would like to access claims, that you should do so by including them into the id_token:


With that in mind, I inspected the decoded JWT for the id_token and it does include all the claims for email, name, etc.

With that in mind, I propose that a change should be made to support looking for these values within the id_token as well as the current userinfo so that authentication can be supported for ADFS


  1. OS (where OpenCTI server runs): Docker
  2. OpenCTI version: 6.1.12
  3. OpenCTI client: Docker
  4. Other environment details:

Reproducible Steps

Steps to create the smallest reproducible scenario:

  1. Configure OpenCTI for OpenID Connect SSO provided by Microsoft ADFS
  2. Successfully authenticate via ADFS
  3. OpenCTI will fail to create user

Expected Output

OpenCTI should be able to detect successfully authenticated users

Actual Output

OpenCTI is not detecting successfully authenticated users

Additional information

Screenshots (optional)