I create a new marking type TLP, with definition TLP:GREEN, a random colour and a random code
Click on create
Marking seems to be created but instead I have the TLP:GREEN marking with the green colour and the orignal order. If I scroll I can see a second marking of this type.
Only mone marking remains
Expected output: an error message when I create to let me know that the marking I’m trying to create is protected.
Current output: we try to create a marking, but the created marking does not have the values I’ve sepcified and it feels like I have twoce the same marking in my list which is confusing.
Environement Demo
Expected output: an error message when I create to let me know that the marking I’m trying to create is protected.
Current output: we try to create a marking, but the created marking does not have the values I’ve sepcified and it feels like I have twoce the same marking in my list which is confusing.