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Include GTK Windows binaries, replace Makefile #53

Closed Kangaroux closed 4 years ago

Kangaroux commented 4 years ago

Closes #43

I opted to just include the windows binaries for GTK instead of having to compile GTK from source each time. Installing GTK on unix systems is dirt simple, and of all the platforms we are supporting I most want the windows version to just be able to download and run.

Replaced the Makefile with The tasks script is basically just a direct port of the Makefile, though much more readable and user friendly.

Side note: I changed the publish config to bundle all of the .NET runtimes into a single executable. Unfortunately we can only bundle .NET runtimes and not native unmanaged (e.g. C/C++) libraries.

I ran into some issues with the bundled executable not finding the native libraries, even if they were in the same directory. Quick fix for this is a simple proxy script that includes the necessary paths and launches the app. In the future we could likely replace this script with a native program that does the same thing (written in C or Go, for example)