Open behoppe opened 1 year ago
The good folks at CSinParallel have created, which features -- a complete online introductory textbook about parallel and distributed computing, with executable examples in OpenMP/C.
Across learnpdc, the work is very modular and explicitly integrated with well-established principles of teaching PDC.
Edit: add LLNL Intro to parallel computing tutorial to compilation above
Edit: merged content from this thread, Masters thesis on OpenCilk
Edit: add This is the textbook for MIT 6.5080.
Issues The website has a 'teach performance' page dedicated to teaching performance engineering, and a 'resources' page dedicated to software that uses OpenCilk, but it lacks a page dedicated to learning performance engineering.
Improvements We might call the page "Learn performance" and structure it like or
Let's use this thread to collect resources to include on the Learn performance page.