Am facing the following error, when i execute the rpc (which starts vswitchd process, which will take 40-50 seconds).
_mgr_rpc: deleting timed out request '4'
Error: request to server timed out
Can you please tell me , where to increase the timeout value in openyuma src files?
I guest this timeout happened at yangcli since default timeout on at remote is set to 3600seconds.
To increase the timeout at remote, let's use --idle-timeout param and --timeout for yangcli.
Refer to document:openyuma-netconfd-manual.odt and openyuma-yangcli-manual.odt located in OpenYuma/netconf/doc/yuma_docs/ to know how to configure these params
Hi, Am facing the following error, when i execute the rpc (which starts vswitchd process, which will take 40-50 seconds). ERROR: _mgr_rpc: deleting timed out request '4' Error: request to server timed out _ Can you please tell me , where to increase the timeout value in openyuma src files?