OpenCodeChicago / Midwest-Pumpkins

Midwest Pumpkins is an open-source project developed by the OpenCode Chicago community. Built with Vite, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, this project aims to support a local organization while participating in Hacktoberfest 2024. We welcome contributions from the community to help us make a difference!
MIT License
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Burger Menu for Mobile and Tablet Devices #41

Open Alexandrbig1 opened 1 day ago

Alexandrbig1 commented 1 day ago

Description: The mobile and tablet versions of the navigation menu need to be implemented as a responsive, sliding sidebar (burger menu). The menu should be fixed, occupying the full height of the viewport, and include anchor links to navigate to specific sections of the page.


  1. Navigation Menu:

    • On mobile and tablet devices, the navigation menu should appear as a sliding sidebar (burger menu) when toggled.
    • The menu should be fixed, meaning it remains visible even while scrolling.
    • The height of the menu must adjust dynamically to match the viewport height (100vh).
    • Anchor links in the menu should smoothly scroll to the corresponding sections of the page (e.g., "Home," "About," "Best pumpkins," "Top sellers").
  2. Social Media Links:

    • Social media links should be structured as a list (<ul>), with each list item containing an <a> tag that opens the corresponding social media site in a new tab.
    • Use SVG icons for each social media platform (e.g., GitHub, YouTube, Twitter). Ensure these icons are well-aligned and visually consistent.
    • The social media links should be placed in the burger menu below the main navigation links.

Additional Considerations:

19purva commented 1 day ago

@Alexandrbig1 can you describe me issue ?

Alexandrbig1 commented 1 day ago

Yes, of course. I hope you checked the Figma layout:

There you will find a mobile and tablet devices that need to have a burger menu. means that @media(max-width: 1440) the burger icon must be visible, and the nav links is hidden. Once you click on a Burger Menu icon the menu overlay must be transition smoothly from side with visible content on it.

19purva commented 1 day ago

@Alexandrbig1 can you assign me this issue to me?

Alexandrbig1 commented 1 day ago

Yes, of course! But please, to participate on Hacktoberfest2024 start creating pull requests after 1st of October.

Alexandrbig1 commented 1 day ago

And also I will add description now for this task

Alexandrbig1 commented 1 day ago

Also when you'll create an pull request, add descriptive commit and label 'hacktoberfest-accepted'

Alexandrbig1 commented 1 day ago

@19purva all description is added