OpenConext-Attic / OpenConext-serviceregistry

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Possibility to configure Look&Feel to identify environment #34

Closed remold closed 9 years ago

remold commented 9 years ago

When a company has multiple serviceregistry's installed it is hard to see which environment is being changed (except from the URL).

It would be very nice to configure the Look & Feel per environment.

A possible option is to configure the location of simplesaml/resources/header-bkg.png in the simpleSAMLphp header background.

(ie SURFnet has atm 5 different OPEN/SURFconext environments)

maartenk commented 9 years ago


lucasvanlierop commented 9 years ago


maartenk commented 9 years ago

Link gives a 404 message (Private repo i assume).

lucasvanlierop commented 9 years ago

@maartenk yes it's private, for (some) SURFnet employees only.