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VM build scripts should cleanup after themselfs #12

Closed surfnet-niels closed 10 years ago

surfnet-niels commented 10 years ago

After a build of an openconext box was done, approx 160 Mb is left in /tmp (Grouper war, Tomcat stuff) Depending a bit on VM configuration, this then breaks an update or a reinstall, as the subsquent action fills up /tmp

I think the install scripts for e.g. Grouper should also remove the tmp stuff after grouper was installed sucessfully

jmsnoeij commented 10 years ago

We deliberately made the chose to keep these files in order to make the following installs faster. During the install we download a lot of 'static' resources from several source and it would be wasteful (and error prone) to download these dependencies a second time.

Of course we could do a bit of both .... clean up the things we no longer need and keep the 'download cache' in a different location. If I look at 'our' cache directory I do not see a lot of files there related to OpenConext. Besides some grouper ehcache files it quite empty.

What kind of files to you end up with in /tmp ??

NOTE, the grouper dists are moved to /opt/www

surfnet-niels commented 10 years ago

Most problematic (size wize) are a grouper and tomcat: [niels@tools02.coin tmp]$ du -sh /tmp/* 12K /tmp/ 8,0K /tmp/ 12K /tmp/docs 24K /tmp/eb_sr_cache---2c6a4035d91fda2d9983efe39cd5215c 12K /tmp/eb_sr_cache---33cb7047091d19443d2113e46c52af71 4,0K /tmp/eb_sr_cache---eaa10f381fec8aee74c4eb1e23b72b00 4,0K /tmp/eb_sr_cache---internal-metadatas---2c6a4035d91fda2d9983efe39cd5215c 4,0K /tmp/eb_sr_cache---internal-metadatas---33cb7047091d19443d2113e46c52af71 4,0K /tmp/eb_sr_cache---internal-metadatas---eaa10f381fec8aee74c4eb1e23b72b00 4,0K /tmp/ 79M /tmp/grouper-dist-2.8.0-bin.tar.gz 0 /tmp/ 36K /tmp/hsperfdata_tomcat 0 /tmp/ 28K /tmp/ldap 4,0K /tmp/tmp.GKwQKEzDRh 80M /tmp/tomcat 4,0K /tmp/yum_save_tx-2014-02-25-09-59fDzZC4.yumtx

Although I agree that the files are not that big (approx 160Gb), the default partitioning of centos combines the (1 Gb) root partition with both /opt and /tmp. As /opt is used for the install, keeping this data in tmp is juist enough to actually break a subsquent update because of / filling up to 100% :(

I propose to write in documenttion that users of the VM should set up a seperate /opt partition, and suggest to let the installer use /opt/tmp

jmsnoeij commented 10 years ago

these are no longer stored in /tmp in the latest openconext-vm (version 62).