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Teams cannot connect to Grouper REST API #22

Closed surfnet-niels closed 9 years ago

surfnet-niels commented 9 years ago

After a fresh install of OpenConext VM v74.4 Teams starts and I can login, but after that I get the error "Something went wrong. Please try to reload the page or go back to SURFconext Teams"

The Teams log is empty, however the catalina logs notes: Sep 30, 2014 11:40:39 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Web service did not even respond!

When I at that time directly access the above URL I get a request from Grouper asking to login (basic auth). After login using teh credentials from the GrouperSystem user, I get:
"{"WsRestResultProblem":{"responseMetadata":{"millis":"2","serverVersion":"2.1.5"},"resultMetadata":{"resultCode":"EXCEPTION","resultMessage":"Problem with request: uri: /grouper-ws/servicesRest, method: GET, decoded url strings: [none],\njava.lang.RuntimeException: Not expecting a blank string for version\n\tat edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.misc.GrouperVersion.valueOfIgnoreCase( " So: "Not expecting a blank string for version" If I craft a request manually, e.g. "" I get a proper responce.

I therefore suspect there is a problem with the URL Teams is using to connect to Grouper. Still finding out if this is a config problem, or hard coded..

surfnet-niels commented 9 years ago

Ok, after further testing, it turns out the credentials being used are the problem. /etc/tomcat6/classpath_properties/ contains a string "$OC__GROUPER_ENGINE_PASS" which is not being replaced by the install script

relaxnow commented 9 years ago

Fixed with

relaxnow commented 9 years ago

Thanks Niels!