OpenConext / OpenConext-deploy

Ansible-based deployment automation for the OpenConext platform
Apache License 2.0
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Provisioning vagrant fails with teams restart #46

Closed relaxnow closed 8 years ago

relaxnow commented 8 years ago
TASK [tomcat_app : Deploying oidc | remove current workdir] ********************
ok: []

TASK [tomcat_app : Deploying oidc | put new warfile into place] ****************
changed: []

TASK [tomcat_app : Deploying oidc | set correct permissions] *******************
changed: []

TASK [oidc : copy oidc configuration] ******************************************
changed: []

TASK [oidc : copy oidc jwks keystore configuration] ****************************
changed: []

TASK [oidc : copy oidc logging configuration] **********************************
changed: []

TASK [oidc : copy virtual host config] *****************************************
changed: []

RUNNING HANDLER [tomcat : restart tomcat] **************************************
changed: []

RUNNING HANDLER [shibboleth : restart shibd] ***********************************
changed: []

RUNNING HANDLER [teams : restart teams] ****************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "[  OK  ]\r\n[FAILED]\r\n"}
oharsta commented 8 years ago

This is related to When we use the Spring boot way to start / stop the application then this will be resolved.

quartje commented 8 years ago

This has been fixed. Teams restart has a time out of 45 seconds which resolves this issue.