OpenConext / OpenConext-myconext

A (guest) IdP for OpenConext
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Authentication contexts #286

Closed phavekes closed 4 days ago

phavekes commented 4 days ago

This issue is imported from pivotal

    SP\'s can request a certain trust-level when users are logging in at eduID using the AuthnContextClassRef. 
<samlp:RequestedAuthnContext Comparison="exact">

EB passes this attribute to the IdP and if the SP requests an account-link using the value then eduID checks if the user is linked to an institution. If not then the user is asked to do so. When the account is linked the return value in the AuthenticationContextClassReference from the eduID response contains the value


In OIDC-NG this value ends-up in the acr-claim.

The SP also receives a scopedAffiliation with the value In Manage the ARP can be configured per SP as to pass on the filtered scoped affiliations.

When a user links his eduID account to an institution account some info is added to his eduID profile:

Multiple links to multiple IDP\'s can be made. In the account-gui application all links are shown, and can be added, deleted or refreshed.

phavekes commented 4 days ago

~~2do: aanpassen 2 acr\'s: voornaam/achternaam affiliation~~ Added givenname/surname to the attributes to be saved in the profile (Peter Havekes - Jun 4, 2020)

phavekes commented 4 days ago
@phavekes Bedoel je daarmee dat we de voornaam en achternaam die de gebruiker zelf heeft ingevuld gaan overschrijven met die van de IdP? En wat als er een tweede IdP bij komt? (Okke Harsta - Jun 4, 2020)
phavekes commented 4 days ago
@okkeh Nee, niet overschrijven, maar als extra opslaan in het profiel als bijv: verified-surname (Peter Havekes - Jun 4, 2020)
phavekes commented 4 days ago

Updatet ACR descriptions are here: (Peter Havekes - Jun 9, 2020)