OpenConext / Stepup-Project

Managing issues for Stepup-* projects
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Recommendation pro active maintenance #513

Open phavekes opened 2 days ago

phavekes commented 2 days ago

This issue is imported from pivotal - Originaly created at May 8, 2020 by bstrooband

In order to be more pro-active regarding upgrading the different components we need more insights in when we need to patch. That way we\'ll be able to respond quicker when we need to patch dependencies. That way we could decide earlier on how susceptible we are. We could determine an upgrade path. This will make sure that when a new project starts we could start right away without the need off first upgrading a lot of dependencies, which could result in a lot of maintenance when you want it the least.

Some ideas:

We don\'t have to patch it on the patch Tuesday, but if we have at least insights in what and how we at least could decide what to do when.

We could always alter the patch Tuesdays if it isn\'t working for us, but at least we have a kind of starting point with this.

EB status Personally I would like to finish Github Actions in EB first so nightly builds could be implemented there. We could also use Slack to inform when a nightly build fails. The main reason why the Github Actions PR wasn\'t finished was because the removal of the application.ini needed to be done first to prevent really dirty configuration in Symfony. see:

Additional ideas

Already implemented

phavekes commented 2 days ago
@michielkodde would you share your thoughts on this? (bstrooband - May 8, 2020)
phavekes commented 2 days ago
@thijskh what\'s your view on starting nightly builds in EB with Github Actions and do you prefer a particular notification method?

(bstrooband - May 12, 2020)

phavekes commented 2 days ago
@bstrooband I think you summarized everything we discussed last week. I too think experimenting with nightly builds on Github Actions would be a good starting point. But we should also think about testing our other projects on a more regular basis. Maybe we should start out with a list of applications we should check on a regular bases (patch Tuesday). My proposal would be:

Less regularly, maybe monthly?

phavekes commented 2 days ago
@bstrooband Proposal seems great to start with. We can always change when we don\'t like it... (Thijs Kinkhorst - May 12, 2020)