OpenCosmics / fits-evaluation

We will use hisparc's existing data to evaluate NASA's FITS format as an option for a generic open cosmic data format.
Apache License 2.0
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To Do: Output data from HiSPARC to different formats #6

Open Tontonis opened 9 years ago

Tontonis commented 9 years ago

Data in form of event (position data and time) converted to python dict - try output to JSON, FITS, etc. data types to try robustness/usefulness

RaoOfPhysics commented 9 years ago

RSS 2.0 as well, I guess.

onyb commented 9 years ago

Pull request #8 addresses JSON. Please review the patch.

onyb commented 9 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics: Do you mean the XML 1.0 specification?

RaoOfPhysics commented 9 years ago

@onyb: Could be! @pingud98 made the suggestion, perhaps he knows the right answer.

kinow commented 9 years ago

The JSON implementation is looking good. FITS could be the next one.

pingud98 commented 9 years ago

I was thinking something along the lines of RSS 2.0. There used to be a website called Pachube (back in 2008) that developed an XML schema called EEML (Extended Environments Markup Language) for distributed IOT sensors. It's quite close to what we're trying to do here, check out

RaoOfPhysics commented 9 years ago

@pingud98: Might be better to carry a discussion on Gitter:

@Tontonis, @berghaus, @onyb and @SirHalie are in there.