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EGI DataHub - is this of interest? #21

Open twhyntie opened 8 years ago

twhyntie commented 8 years ago


In a meeting today this EGI-Engage project came to my attention - the EGI DataHub:

From the abstract: "The Open Data Platform is a new service in EGI to support scientific communities in the dissemination and re-use of open, distributed research datasets. The platform is based on the OneData technology and adds data management and data access capabilities - including data replication and 'bring your computation to data' - to existing EGI infrastructure services. The EGI Open Data Platform is developed in the H2020 EGI-Engage project to support communities in the creation of 'Data Hubs' on EGI. Such hubs would offer scalable data access and compute capabilities around scientific datasets for scientific groups at the large scale."

So, if I've got the right end of the stick, it goes a few steps beyond what something like Zenodo would offer in terms of data management and data access (i.e. via APIs, cloud services, etc.). It also assigns DOIs to datasets and seems to be based on the Git, Dropbox and Docker modi operandi.

It's at the prototype stage at the moment, but might be worth playing with...

Cheers, @twhyntie

RaoOfPhysics commented 8 years ago

Will look at it and get back to you, @twhyntie. Thanks for flagging this!

TimSmithCH commented 8 years ago

FYI: We (Zenodo) have been in conversation with EGI also about being part of their DataHub. We are motivated, but busy with the refactoring, so have postponed for a couple of months. And it makes sense for all parties since their prime use case is the Human Brain Project which uses Zenodo as a key data store. We are strongly supporting initiatives on reuse, not just publication/archival of data, and are investigating partnerships with many initiatives, other than EGI, that are pioneering services for reuse.