OpenCyphal / libcanard

A compact implementation of the Cyphal/CAN protocol in C for high-integrity real-time embedded systems
MIT License
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Examples required - User friendly improvement #191

Open LightningPORTO opened 2 years ago

LightningPORTO commented 2 years ago


For context, I'm attempting to develop a UAVcan implementation using cannard, on a STM32 using RTOS.

I find the examples on the readme satisfactory and I believe we could benefit from full a example of publishing and subscribing to messages and services. I don't mean specifically for my case (would also be nice), but a very generic (maybe heartbeat publish and subscribe?) implementation, fully written on a C example.

Could this be arranged? If there is anything I haven't found using the current version found on this repo.

Thank you for this amazing protocol and amazing work.

pavel-kirienko commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the kind words.

We have full-featured demos here, but they are for an earlier revision of this library where the API is slightly different:

The full API diff can be seen here (scroll to canard.h and ignore the rest):

A pull request to the demos repo updating the API from v1 to v2 would be much appreciated.

LightningPORTO commented 2 years ago

Thank you for such a quick answer Pavel,

I was hoping I could get a barebones example of a publish and subscribe to a heartbeat message for example. The given examples are great but very complex ( at least to me ) to understand the steps required to implement such basic functions.

When I mean "barebones" I'm actually trying to get little increments at a time, the protocol is great but with a very steep learning curve. For example, ROS has tutorials for publishing and subscribing...

I'm not saying to get a full wiki and all going on, but maybe a little beginner-friendly approach wouldn't hurt.

Maybe a simple (and possibly separate examples) to publish and subscribe to the heartbeat messages would be a good start?

Once again, there are just suggestions, but coming from someone who has average knowledge in programing and really sees the potential of this protocol.

silverv commented 2 years ago

While not a bare bones example, this Sapog repository is closer to what you need than the demo repository:

See that first. I haven't planned on when I will be making bare bones examples yet.

LightningPORTO commented 2 years ago

This is somewhat closer to what I was looking for. Im attempting to implement libcannard to talk to a PX4 autopilot, using a Nucleo board STM. I know there are examples out there, but none are using the latest libcannard...

Thank you for your sugestion, if in the future you do a barebones, please let me know.

coderkalyan commented 2 years ago

I think I have an example using Zephyr RTOS somewhere, but its also using the canard V1 API. If I find some time I'll update it and share.

ValeriiKim commented 2 years ago

This is somewhat closer to what I was looking for. Im attempting to implement libcannard to talk to a PX4 autopilot, using a Nucleo board STM. I know there are examples out there, but none are using the latest libcannard...

Thank you for your sugestion, if in the future you do a barebones, please let me know.

If you are interested here is my repo where libcanard v2 is used:

pavel-kirienko commented 2 years ago

The demos have been updated to use the new libcanard v3:

Dmivaka commented 2 years ago

This is somewhat closer to what I was looking for. Im attempting to implement libcannard to talk to a PX4 autopilot, using a Nucleo board STM. I know there are examples out there, but none are using the latest libcannard...

Thank you for your sugestion, if in the future you do a barebones, please let me know.

I don't know if it's fair to call the use of STM32Cube "barebone", but here is a simple Libcanard 2 example for it, with project generation from .ioc -

githubfa commented 1 year ago

one simple demo is better than 1000 words😂. i am a beginner of uavcan, and it's difficult for me to find out such as: how the demo work, what is the relation ship between libcanard and DSDL? how can i use libcanard with DSDL? it's all question ...

pavel-kirienko commented 1 year ago

The demos I linked earlier illustrate both. Take a look at this one:

It is a very basic application that incorporates both libcanard and DSDL code generation (via Nunavut). You can easily port it to an embedded platform (it can be run on GNU/Linux out of the box).

You can also check out @aentinger's Arduino Cyphal and its examples -- it might be more approachable.

githubfa commented 1 year ago

The demos I linked earlier illustrate both. Take a look at this one:

It is a very basic application that incorporates both libcanard and DSDL code generation (via Nunavut). You can easily port it to an embedded platform (it can be run on GNU/Linux out of the box).

You can also check out @aentinger's Arduino Cyphal and its examples -- it might be more approachable.

Thanks a lot! maybe those demo can be join into the to give other more help, even if it's just a link.

mehrkonfetti commented 1 year ago

Would you still be interested in adding more minimal samples (like a heartbeat subscriber & publiser) to eg the demos repository? I have found myself looking for something like this a couple of times now and would love to implement it.

pavel-kirienko commented 1 year ago

Would you still be interested in adding more minimal samples (like a heartbeat subscriber & publiser) to eg the demos repository?


I have found myself looking for something like this a couple of times now and would love to implement it.

Please do. As an alternative to the demos repo, you can also publish a link to your example here: