OpenCyphal / specification

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Specify Cyphal/UDP [experimental] #127

Closed pavel-kirienko closed 1 year ago

pavel-kirienko commented 1 year ago

The specification is quite concise because the key concepts are already covered in section "4.1 Abstract concepts". In the new section, I only had to cover the layouts.

maksimdrachov commented 1 year ago

To save everyone a bit of time:


maksimdrachov commented 1 year ago

I think: SUBJECT_ID_MASK = 2**15 - 1?

pavel-kirienko commented 1 year ago

I think: SUBJECT_ID_MASK = 2**15 - 1?

@maksimdrachov Currently, valid subject-ID values are from 0 to 8191 inclusive:


This range may be increased in the future. Both Cyphal/UDP and Cyphal/CAN are ready for that by providing extra bits for the identifiers that are currently unused.