OpenCyphal / specification

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Fixing bit order for example in section #87

Closed thirtytwobits closed 4 years ago

thirtytwobits commented 4 years ago

Small fix.

thirtytwobits commented 4 years ago

Conventions dictate that we should put comments under the definition, not above.

Which comments are you referring to? The ones I added were not documenting a data field. They were general comments within the type.

Per #70, 3.7.5 and 4.2.3 are next? yes.

pavel-kirienko commented 4 years ago

Here's one example; it was like this:

bool flag_cooling_system_b_active
bool flag_cooling_system_a_active
# Status flags (this is the recommended practice).

Now it's like this:

# Status flags (this is the recommended practice).
bool flag_cooling_system_a_active
bool flag_cooling_system_b_active