OpenDDS / OpenDDS

OpenDDS is an open source C++ implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS). OpenDDS also supports Java bindings through JNI.
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selected google test version doesn't compile with cmake on RHEL 7.5 #2167

Closed jwillemsen closed 3 years ago

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

I am setting up a new build on rhel 7.5 and it looks the google test module used by OpenDDS doesn't work there, cmake fails, see

Looks googletest 1.10.x requires C++11 support which shouldn't be a problem on rhel75. Not sure about the correct path forward with this dependency on googletest and the need to support C++03

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

I validated that googletest 1.8.0 does work (see

iguessthislldo commented 3 years ago

This link leads to a 404 page.

Not sure about the correct path forward with this dependency on googletest and the need to support C++03

I don't think there is a path forward for now. If memory serves correct we are using the version we're using because it's the last to support C++03.

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

Sorry, internal link, it should be

mitza-oci commented 3 years ago

This doesn't seem like something RHEL would break between 7.4 and 7.5. Aren't they supposed to be providing stability?

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

We always explicitly validate each minor release, there is always the risk of a breaking change

mitza-oci commented 3 years ago

I'm not questioning the approach of trying out new platform versions. Since this is an error from cmake and not from the code, is there a workaround?

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

A downgrade to googletest 1.8.0 did resolve the cmake error. Are there any features that we really need from 1.8.1, if not, maybe merge #2168, at the moment C++11 support becomes mandatory we could upgrade to a newer googletest

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

Looks this specific compiler triggers some more warning to look at

mitza-oci commented 3 years ago

Which version of CMake is this using?

mitza-oci commented 3 years ago

Worked for me using a current CMake release. I'll update documentation since I'm doing a refresh in preparation for 3.15.

jwillemsen commented 3 years ago

rhel 7.5 gets shipped with cmake version

mitza-oci commented 3 years ago