OpenDDS / OpenDDS

OpenDDS is an open source C++ implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS). OpenDDS also supports Java bindings through JNI.
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Building OpenDDS and ACE/TAO at the same time with CMake Fails on Windows with Release Config #4531

Closed iguessthislldo closed 2 months ago

iguessthislldo commented 2 months ago

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Originally posted by **nsarzyns** March 20, 2024 I don't know if I'm just being dumb here but following the build instructions for cmake, successfully creates the sln, but if I change the build type to 'Release' it fails because for some reason the linker is still trying to use debug libraries in release mode. For example, the linker for the 'inspect' sub-project tried to link libs like ACEsd.lib, TAOsd.lib...basically all the libs have 'd' appended. I've even tried forcing the CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES to Release in the root cmakelists without success. On the other hand, building using the configure file, works perfectly fine. The same sub project links the correct libs for the selected configuration of release. Both instances are using ACE/TAO 7.1.3 and building on windows.