OpenDDS / OpenDDS

OpenDDS is an open source C++ implementation of the Object Management Group (OMG) Data Distribution Service (DDS). OpenDDS also supports Java bindings through JNI.
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Using `-DOPENDDS_ACE_TAO_GIT=TRUE` in CMake is Slow #4619

Open iguessthislldo opened 2 weeks ago

iguessthislldo commented 2 weeks ago

For me running CMake with -DOPENDDS_ACE_TAO_GIT=TRUE is taking over 3 minutes while running git clone --depth 1 takes about 17 seconds and running CMake that also configures that ACE/TAO takes about 13 seconds. This is because even though we're passing GIT_SHALLOW TRUE to FetchContent_Declare, CMake basically makes that option useless and is downloading all of history anyway. The solutions to this as far as I can see are either to wait for a fix or to run the git commands ourselves in get_ace_tao.cmake.