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Create legend files for indicators #14

Open mjourneay opened 4 years ago

mjourneay commented 4 years ago

Define thresholds and color guides for symbolizing risk metrics that require a standard symbology. Layer definitions to be documented using ~QGIS~ MXD layer file format.

jvanulde commented 3 years ago

Blocking OpenDRR/opendrr-platform/issues/117

jvanulde commented 3 years ago

Existing legend:

jvanulde commented 3 years ago

Done PE and SV layers.

jvanulde commented 2 years ago

@CarolLWagner we'll use this issue to track progress on the MXD development for the DSRA data. @wkhchow and @tieganh can assist where needed. Discussion can occur on Slack in the #scenarios channel as needed. Thanks!

CarolLWagner commented 2 years ago

For: @tieganh, @wkhchow, @jvanulde, and others. I have questions to discuss about the creation of the mxd to show the shakemaps in the Earthquake Scenario Catalogue.

  1. I assume we want a similar look to what currently exists when one hits the "View on Map" button. However, what is currently there (People affected after 90 day) is data for polygons (Census Subdivisions for some scales; Settled Areas for zoomed-in scales). The _shakemap.gpkg I downloaded from the catalogue are point data. How do we want to display this data for viewing. Having coloured dots are fine at a zoomed out scale since dots may overlap, but zooming in to these dots doesn't give the impact of the colours. Shakemap look better as polygons ie full area coverage.
  2. Which feature class is to be displayed? I assume the PGA field.
  3. @tieganh What value classes are now commonly used to display shakemap values? I recall having this discussion with you in June/July 2021 regarding Alison's report. I have emulated the USGS Shakemap classes/colours but that is based on PGA, PGV, and MMI. Colours for these classes can be discussed later unless there is a new common colour scheme. I have always used pale green - yellow - light orange - dark orange - red - dark red, for the range from light to severe shaking/values.
jvanulde commented 2 years ago

@CarolLWagner I will defer to @wkhchow and @tieganh for guidance. However, we've been experimenting with gridding the shakemap data, but I don't know how effective it is at conveying the risk/impact:
