@CarolLWagner provided the following very helpful review of RIskProfiler v1.0 build 1017 "Release Candidate 1" to @JulieVdV via an MS Word document RiskProfilerEdits_Oct18_2022.docx. (Many thanks, @CarolLWagner!)
The Word document has been converted into the following TODO list to help tracking. While most points can be fixed with text editing from WordPress, Some points may involve code change or further discussion. We might need to open extra issues when/where necessary.
Popup information/disclaimer and on Review the Disclaimer page
[x] “Results should not be used for building- or property-specific applications ...” (add hyphen)
[ ] “Estimates are provided for the effect of shaking damage to buildings and inhabitants; damage from secondary hazards (aftershocks, tsunami, landslide, ...” (change colon to semi-colon although I would suggest making it another sentence!)
[x] “RiskProfiler provides a visual representation of values which are rounded as appropriate.” (remove comma)
[x] “See the discussion of uncertainties and intended use here.” (no hyperlink on word “here”)
Main page
[x] #93
[ ] Non-important suggestion: “For each scenario you can learn about: The extent and level of ground shaking” Just wondering if “level” is the best word here. Maybe “amount” or “intensity” or “strength”?
[ ] Learn More section: Why have left/right arrow AND dots? Why have arrows continue to cycle through the topics? Can left arrow stop on first subject and right arrow stop on last/7th dot/subject?
[x] Learn More section, Read Frequently Asked Questions “Understand the data through ‘FAQ’” (remove s; it is inherent in the Q; also not sure you need quotes around FAQ)
[x] also remove s on FAQ on Uncertainties and Intended Use page, 3rd paragraph
[x] also remove s on FAQ on Home/Learn More/Earthquake Scenario Information page
[x] also remove s on FAQ on Home/Learn More/Introduction to Earthquakes and Risk page
Explore Earthquake scenarios
[ ] “Tour this page” popup explanations “... click on map and using scale bar on bottom of the map” don’t see a scale bar
[ ] Zoom into maximum and colour disappears – missing smaller hexagons? I see change is hexagon size for Cascadia scenario but not for other scenarios
[ ] PGA maps legend title says “in units of g” but popup values are %g (I commented on this in July)
[ ] Download of pdf or png results graph: there is no title/text indicating scenario
Probabilistic Earthquake Risk
[ ] Suggestion for non-important change? List cities alphabetically or geographically West to East
[ ] Popup on maps ... “1 or less” should be “1 or fewer”
[ ] When on Probabilistic map page viewing a city map, the browser back button goes to whatever main page I was on previously not back to Probabilistic Risk selection page
[ ] Why have red X on top right of Probabilistic page?
Home /Learn More / General Information
[x] About Earthquake Scenario -> “Explore earthquake scenarios” box leads to Error page
Home/LearnMore/Introduction to Earthquakes and Risk
[x] “Many Indigenous peoples’ oral traditions and histories ...” change people’s to peoples’
Home/LearnMore/Earthquake Scenario Information
[x] Text on map looks squashed left/right
[x] “What earthquake scenario information is available on RiskProfiler, and how does it help?” (remove comma)
Home/Download Data/Downloads
[x] Earthquake Scenario Data “More information about earthquake scenario risk concepts can be found here” (link doesn’t work)
[x] Probabilistic Earthquake Risk Data – first 2 links do not work
[x] Other downloads
[x] Probabilistic Earthquake Risk Assessment Data Dictionary: the “here” is not hyperlinked
[x] Earthquake scenario Risk Assessment Data Dictionary: “... datasets can be downloaded here.”
@CarolLWagner provided the following very helpful review of RIskProfiler v1.0 build 1017 "Release Candidate 1" to @JulieVdV via an MS Word document RiskProfilerEdits_Oct18_2022.docx. (Many thanks, @CarolLWagner!)
The Word document has been converted into the following TODO list to help tracking. While most points can be fixed with text editing from WordPress, Some points may involve code change or further discussion. We might need to open extra issues when/where necessary.
Popup information/disclaimer and on Review the Disclaimer page
Main page
Explore Earthquake scenarios
Probabilistic Earthquake Risk
Home /Learn More / General Information
Home/LearnMore/Introduction to Earthquakes and Risk
Home/LearnMore/Earthquake Scenario Information
Home/Download Data/Downloads
Carol Wagner Oct 18, 2022