OpenDataHack2018 / OpenDataHack2018-Challenges

Ahead of #OpenDataHack2018 @CopernicusECMWF, submit and discuss your ideas with other OpenDataHackers and get a team ready to hack on 9-10 June 2018 at ECMWF!
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Validate 40 day 5km global resolution run #11

Open m214089 opened 6 years ago

m214089 commented 6 years ago

Problem (short description, max 150 words) We have a run made with 5km global resolution and want to validate the quality with ERA5 data.

Proposed solution (short description, max 200 words)

Check the first 10 days in their forecast skills. Look for properties in the remaining 30 days.

Data (what data do you need? what format?) ERA5 full resolution, best grib2.


Is your team incomplete and you need extra help? If so, please list below the roles needed:

m214089 commented 6 years ago

For working with a large data set the computer setup was not optimal as we couldn't transfer data between the local HPC and large disks and the local systems, but had to transfer the data from DKRZ/MPIM to ECMWF and vice versa as software tools have not been available.

The major problem was the blocking from inside ECMWF to the OpenDataHack LAN(!).


We have had a lot of copy wait time.

m214089 commented 6 years ago

First step was the retrieval of 10m U and v from the climate data store. Two problems did arise

  1. the example API python code and the data retrieval code where different and the later did not work. Has been update in the course of the afternoon.
  2. The defaut grid for ERA5 is awkward: 1440x721 and breaks a lot of postprocessing tools. Usually the dimensions are a multiple of 2 and lon = 2*lat.
m214089 commented 6 years ago

ICON data processing:

OpenDataHack2018 commented 6 years ago

This challenge was selected by team: ICON for real

m214089 commented 6 years ago

Software work:

m214089 commented 6 years ago

Viewing the first draft result: 2018-06-opendatahack

Try2Code commented 6 years ago

4K movie available at