OpenDataLiteracy / Feedback

Research project on feedback, question and answer, and user comments on open data portals
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Improve Codebook #6

Open nniiicc opened 7 years ago

nniiicc commented 7 years ago

Simplify from...

Work towards a 2-level hierarchy here:

annieyan commented 7 years ago
annieyan commented 7 years ago revised codebook, please take a look and edit! Thanks !

nniiicc commented 7 years ago

Hi, Just looked at your new codebook - great start!

Preliminary notes on coding It is important to think about the logic of creating categories (and codes) in doing qualitative analysis like this. We are working inductively by using an open coding method ... meaning we want to define codes by interpreting (reading, interpreting, discussing) the reports that have been made by open data users. This step-by-step process of interpretation is in fact why the logic is called Interpretivism. Working in this tradition we have to be careful about how quickly we generate categories... we want to start very general and then get more specific through more rounds of coding. The next round of coding should be axial coding (we can talk through this once we get there)

In the mean time...

Here is my proposal:

  1. Apply the first level codes to all 50 of the issues in our sample so far. Let's try to do this by Wednesday Night (tonight!)
  2. Tomorrow morning we can compare our codes, and then begin refining these by applying the second level codes. We should be able to finish this by Friday... then we can compare our second level codes and talk through the entire codebook together.

Sound good? If you have any questions let me know.

annieyan commented 7 years ago

Sounds good. Thanks for your explanation, I'll read about coding methods. Let's get done with the first round coding tonight!,

nniiicc commented 7 years ago

Done. See my "notes" section for a few instances where we need a category in our Second Level Codes to account for "this is not data"

annieyan commented 7 years ago

done with first-round coding. Look forward to Axial coding

annieyan commented 7 years ago

to get StachExchange data, go to , maybe search for 'open data', enter and submit queries.

annieyan commented 7 years ago

The original StackExchange quesions on '' is:

nniiicc commented 7 years ago

I just refined a few of the concepts from our first round coding...