OpenDataLiteracy / LiteracyMapping

Repo for paper related to mapping literacy frameworks
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Weekly Hour Log #1

Open nniiicc opened 3 years ago

nniiicc commented 3 years ago

Please comment each week with the task, and hours you worked on the task. (e.g. Paper drafting [6 hours])

If you want to alert someone to look at your task or ask a question - file another ticket, or just use the @ symbol and type their name.

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago

Week 3.2-3.8

Read data literacy/social justice article [1h]

Read intern transcripts, chat with Stacey re: coding/themes [2-3h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago

Week 3.9-3.15

ODL team meeting [1h]

Read intern transcripts/focus group prep [1h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago

Week 3.16-3.22

Code internship transcripts- intern cohorts & sponsors [7h] Read articles [2-3h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago

Week 4.6-4.12

Meeting with Bree- prep, cleaning notes [1.5h] Reviewing research repositories- [5h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


Coding - [5h] Carole/Eval - [1h + 30] GigPlat [reviewing past iterations, reading white paper & gig economy annual review [5h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


Carole/eval - [1h 30] Gigplat - [reviewing materials, reading, drafting memo - 6h] Coding exercise - [5h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


Carole/eval- [6h] Gigplat - [reading, reviewing memo - 2-3h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


Carole/eval - [5h] Gigplat - [reading, drafting interview guide - ~7h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


ODL eval - [writing/edits in report, mtg w Carole- 5h] JELIS paper additions - [~3h] ODL intern/sponsor transcripts - [close review for themes//representative quotes for report & JELIS paper - ~6h] GigPlat - [skimming HCI paper, sorting through references, reading - ~3h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


ODL eval - [eval portions of report, edits - 6h] JELIS additions - [~8h 30 !?] GigPlat - [reading ~1h (sectoral bargaining); writing protocol (incl. more review of past study materials) - 5h30]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


ODL eval - [editing report, condensing for IMLS form, mtg- 13h] GigPlat - [writing protocol ~ 3h 30; reading (driver coops, sectoral bargaining) 2h]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


ODL eval: editing report, drafting IMLS form - [~ 9h] survey for interns/DC I - [30 min] mtg - [1h]

Gigplat: reviewing transcripts, participant profiles - [3h] reading - [2h] recruitment (reviewing past materials, drafting survey) - [30 min] mtg - [30 min]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


ODL eval: editing report/form - [~2h] mtg - [1h]

Gigplat: recruitment (drafting materials, sending emails) - [~ 3h] reviewing transcripts, participant profiles - [9h 30] skimming reading notes, memo brainstorming - [~ 1 h 30 min] filling in protocol - [3h 30] mtg - [30 min]

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago


ODL eval: imls form, narrative, appendices - ~8h mtg w/ carole - 1 h

Gigplat: recruitment (scheduling, emails)- ~2h practice interview: ~1h profiles: ~ 2h interviews (6/18 + 6/21): 5h reading - 1h30 new am. webinar - ~ 1h mtg - ~30 min

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago

6.22 - 6.28

ODL: mtg w carole & nic - 1h final edits - ~2h

recruitment (scheduling, emails): ~3h

interviews (6/24, 6/28, + prep for no-shows): ~ 6h

reading [algorithmic management; data collection; fare surges; MA worker classification legislation; antitrust legislation; work labor action]: >7h

profiles: ~1h

lindseysschwartz commented 3 years ago

6.29 - 7.5 mtg w Carole [ResearchWorks] - 1h

recruitment/scheduling: 4h

interviews (6/30, 7/1, 7/2x2, 7/5): ~10h

reading (Fare Share town hall, DRG background, 3rd party apps/RideShare Guy, alg. mgmt, data governance): ~4h

memos (DRC, flexibility, 7.1.21): ~2h

lindseysschwartz commented 2 years ago


interviews (7/6, 7/7x2, 7/8, 7/9x2, 7/12) [11h]

mtg [~1h]

reading [appification, Para, Uber history, algorithms & motivations, sharing economy, LWA] [7h]

lindseysschwartz commented 2 years ago


emails/rescheduling [~1h]

interviews (7/14, 7/15) [4h]

abstract exercise [~4h]

ODL- ResearchWorks edits/email, updating Carole [1h]

reading, incl: distress protocols <1h data relations re:Salome Viljoen [~2h] platform/gamified surveillance [3h] Amazon/Google/Sidewalk Labs [3h]

lindseysschwartz commented 2 years ago

7.20-7.26 reading 6h + : GTM, content & thematic analysis...mixed w coding/theme brainstorm & rough memo [personal/political/affect] 3h 30: Uber/Lyft strike, Uber/Greyball/God Mode, surveillance capitalism, carjackings, Postmates scam 2h 30: Van Doorn/data assets & Muldoon/plat coop

updating intake survey (locale, prev. event) & readme ~[3h 30]

interview (7/23): ~2h

email to DRC contacts <1h

mtg ~1h

lindseysschwartz commented 2 years ago


paradigm tangent (revisiting GTM readings/memoing post-7.26 mtg) - [~1h]

reading: [7h] doordash strike; HCI & consent framework; AZ surveillance/smart city tech/rhetoric/data governance; big data/civic space article - kate crawford 

data memo drafting [~3h]

analysis: 07.29 planning meeting [1h] getting set up in nvivo [~1h] coding first pass, transcribing interview [~8h]

lindseysschwartz commented 2 years ago


more analysis/coding: [~6h]

reading: [~7h] incl. katie wells/Uber DC study; writing for social scientists; shannon mattern; lauren bridges [surveillance & carceral logics] Andrejevic/Burdon’s sensor society

08.05 mtg [1h]

why seattle memo/searching other deactivation ordinances & advocacy; reviewing DRC documentation [6h]

lindseysschwartz commented 2 years ago


reading: [~6h] incl. Sandoval [plat coops vs entrepreneurial activism]; Sam Harnett; ethnography of infrastructure; surveillance as service; "efficiency" tech for grocery pickers; Unit app

mtg 8.16 [1h]

why seattle memo: ~2h? paper skeleton [~10h] DRC/Will Qs [<1h]