OpenDataManchester / Open3P

Discover the Open 3P Data Standard: Revolutionise packaging data management and drive sustainable practices.
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Free | Gratis | Libre | Open | Shared | Closed #160

Open DsposalTom opened 1 month ago

DsposalTom commented 1 month ago

Can we write about what the difference between Free | Gratis | Libre | Open | Shared | Closed on the home page.

DsposalTom commented 1 month ago

Open 3P - The Open Standard for the Packaging Value Chain

What is Open 3P?

Open 3P is a data standard - a set of guidelines and specifications for organising and formatting packaging data. It is important to understand that:

Open 3P is free to use, copy and distribute. However, it is copyrighted by Open Data Manchester CIC and released under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0. Proper attribution and adherence to the licence terms are required.


There is no charge for using Open 3P. You may use it for both commercial (business-related) and non-commercial (e.g., research) purposes at no cost.

Permitted Uses

With Open 3P, you can:

Remember, these permissions apply to the standard itself (the set of rules and specifications), not to any specific data or software implementations.

Once granted, these permissions cannot be revoked by Open 3P or Open Data Manchester CIC.

Requirements for Using the Standard As-Is

  1. Attribution: When you use the Open 3P standard to structure your data or build compatible systems, you must credit Open 3P and Open Data Manchester CIC as the creators of the standard. Provide contact information for Open 3P and/or Open Data Manchester CIC.
  2. Integrity: When referring to or implementing the standard in its original form, you must not modify its specifications. This ensures consistency across all implementations of the official Open 3P standard.

    Creating Derivative Works

    While the original Open 3P standard specifications should not be modified directly, the Apache 2.0 licence does allow for the creation of derivative works under certain conditions:

  3. Clearly state that your work is a modification of the Open 3P standard and is not endorsed by Open 3P or Open Data Manchester CIC.
  4. Retain the original copyright notice and attribute the work to Open Data Manchester CIC and Open 3P.
  5. Indicate prominently that you have made changes to the original standard.
  6. Distribute your derivative work under the same Apache 2.0 licence.
  7. Inform Open 3P of your modifications or extensions to the standard.

We encourage users to submit suggestions for improvements to the official standard rather than creating separate, incompatible versions. This helps maintain consistency and interoperability within the packaging data ecosystem.

Feedback and Improvements

We welcome practical suggestions for improvements to the Open 3P standard. Our collection of schemas (the specific data structures defined by the standard) has been growing gradually since its initial launch in 2021. If you have ideas for enhancements:

  1. Contact us with your proposed changes to the standard.
  2. We will consider your suggestions for future iterations of the standard.
  3. This process allows us to maintain a stable, consistent standard while incorporating valuable community input.

Scope and Limitations

Open 3P intentionally focuses on key elements for exchanging data through the supply chain. While packaging details can be complex, we prioritise simplicity and user-friendliness over exhaustive detail in our standard. This approach ensures the standard remains practical and accessible for all stakeholders.

Our goal is to provide a balanced, straightforward solution that serves the needs of the entire packaging community while acknowledging the inherent complexities of packaging specifications.

Remember, Open 3P defines how to structure and format packaging data - it's up to individual users and organisations to apply this standard to their specific data and systems.