OpenDataServices / cove

CoVE is an web application to Convert, Validate and Explore data following certain open data standards - including 360Giving, Open Contracting Data Standard, IATI and the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard
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[IATI] not all fields available in IATI cove xls template? #1351

Open siemvaessen opened 3 years ago

siemvaessen commented 3 years ago

Just a quick check to understand if I am looking at the correct xls template at iati cove but not able to see any results fields?

siemvaessen commented 3 years ago

Or is #1309 the missing link that would provide that option?

Bjwebb commented 3 years ago

I've done some work to support results fields, but at the moment it requires adding an extra column to all sheets (that duplicates all the IATI identifiers, this can be done with a formula), and adding some extra information to the Meta tab. Here's an example:

siemvaessen commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Bjwebb for clarifying and great to hear you've made a start. Is there anything that we may contribute to in order to expedite this and/or what is your current ETA on implementation? Just to get an idea on our side.

stevieflow commented 3 years ago

Thanks @siemvaessen

I think this is two questions / things:

1 - a template that brings in ALL the possible IATI fields (we dont have results in the current templates, but nor also stuff like planned disbursements or crs-add etc!). There is an All Headers file here, which I've often used as a basis for developing new sheets:

Nevertheless, we could get together a more complete workbook that covers more of the standard quite soon. The issue will always be that there are many options organisations can make -- especially when it comes to one-to-many dynamics

2 - the functionality that @Bjwebb describes, in terms of how we've a revised way now in place, to deal with converting the multi-nesting that goes on within the results element. I think this requires a different template, and so clearer guidance though - as it changes some things in how people may have set up

I know we have a readTheDocs site for IATI CoVE, so ideal would be to start to document these templates there, rather than in teh app itself

siemvaessen commented 3 years ago

Thanks @stevieflow for the ALL HEADER file. I was unaware that existed / neglected to fully read the readTheDocs part.. Will assess and review soon.