OpenDataServices / cove

CoVE is an web application to Convert, Validate and Explore data following certain open data standards - including 360Giving, Open Contracting Data Standard, IATI and the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard
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Move hosting & change the URL #509

Closed robredpath closed 7 years ago

robredpath commented 7 years ago

As a user, I want the Data Quality tool to look and feel like a 360Giving tool so that I have trust in it

We'll put the new site on the new server at the new address, then update links.

We'll do this with 16.04, unless there are major issues. We'll use Let's Encrypt by default; same proviso.

caprenter commented 7 years ago

Some links that will need updating:

Bjwebb commented 7 years ago

We have a dev server set up, under the 360Giving's bytemark account, and using Ubuntu 16.04 - - deploy PR

Remaining tasks:

Bjwebb commented 7 years ago

Functional tests run successfully against the dev server with BROWSER=PhantomJS CUSTOM_SERVER_URL= PREFIX_360=/ py.test fts once I fixed a couple of bugs with them

Bjwebb commented 7 years ago

We have https:

Automatic renewal is currently broken though, I need to fix some interaction between .well-known and ProxyPass

Bjwebb commented 7 years ago

Dev server is now at for more consistency in naming. Live server is mostly set up, still need to point the subdomain at it though.

robredpath commented 7 years ago

360 have approved with a 301 redirect from the old URL, then a review using analytics to see if there are any links that need updating / when it's safe to switch off

Bjwebb commented 7 years ago is set up now.