Open stefi-says opened 1 year ago
schema specified on the paper of BERT4ETH:
'hash, nonce ,block_hash ,block_number ,transaction_index ,from_address ,to_address ,value, gas, gas_price, input, block_timestamp, max_fee_per_gas ,max_priority_fee_per_gas ,transaction_type
Not all the columns are used during the code. MOre information on the coluns used can be found o the paper at : 4.2.1
this issue depends on the completion of issue #5 and #8
Here is the specification from the docs for Ethereum-etl as mentioned by the authors:
There are two steps really, one is to preprocesses the data for our Sybils and the second is to then create an embedding from that preprocessing.
COmpile the training data form diferent sources in to flagged dataset containing the features necessarie to do the prediction