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Speaking at Daocon in paris #157

Open poupou-web3 opened 1 year ago

poupou-web3 commented 1 year ago

DAOCON will be in Paris July 16th. Let see what subject we could propose to attend as speaker

poupou-web3 commented 1 year ago

After contacting DAOCON organizers we come up with the following topic that is of interest to the conference: Fighting fraud in permissionless grants funding

Below are the fields for the application


ODC logo? do we have the SVG/PNG somewhere?


Fighting fraud in permissionless grants funding

Description (I think I need reviews here)

Basic description of public goods funding mechanism The allo protocol built by Gitcoin is permissionless It needs grant screening

Quadratic voting to fund projects Requires even more fraud detection mechanisms and Sybil detection tools Presentation Sybil detection legos Presentation of verifiable credentials such as passports

Type (talk, presentation, workshop, demo discussion, panel)


Topic (Classify the talk by topic in one or two words)

Public goods funding, Sybil detection, Grants

Duration in min

Proposed by the Devcon team 30 min

poupou-web3 commented 1 year ago

Updated description

Description of public goods funding Brief presentation of the allo protocol The allo protocol is permissionless it requires grant screening, thus what is grant screening? How can open-source composable software help screening grants? Short presentation of quadratic funding QF needs even more fraud detection tools and why Need composable on-chain analysis Use verifiable credentials such as Gitcoin Passport Conclusion