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Next step with putting on chain Regen Rangers & ODC Jedi - via Hats Protocol #169

Open epowell101 opened 1 year ago

epowell101 commented 1 year ago

I had an update and feedback discussion with Nick from Hats. They are extremely professional and motivated.

Very willing to be hands-on with us to do whatever it takes to help us successfully implement and evolve our use of Hats.

They even took these notes and shared them with me as a start - I've then added a bit and turned them into a check-list:

What we need to get started -> and ODC should be able to take a crack at actually inputting the addresses and doing the mints etc however if we need help, they are available


epowell101 commented 1 year ago

the Hats folks shared a template spreadsheet, which I've completed.

feel free to enter questions here or elsewhere: sheet of Hats for ODC

I have a couple of basic questions about roles that are actually Safes - and does that mean I 'just' add the wallets to the Safe?

Another one is whether an individual could have a particular role - such as a facilitator for a role like "hackathon" - and thereby have a membership in a council? I've posted these to Nicki who is with Hats and working with us on the POC

epowell101 commented 1 year ago

We have a working session end of this week

epowell101 commented 1 year ago

Session went well. Updated the spreadsheet above extensively.

Getting back to the specifics of points for qualification - and how we might attest to these